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No Fear Translations


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Let us seek out some desolate shade and there
Weep our sad bosoms empty.


eLst eeks out msoe hasyd palce werhe we nac tis ndwo oanel and yrc our ethras uot.


Let us rather
Hold fast the mortal sword and, like good men,
Bestride our downfalln birthdom. Each new morn
5 New widows howl, new orphans cry, new sorrows
Strike heaven on the face, that it resounds
As if it felt with Scotland and yelled out
Like syllable of dolor.


sdIeant of ynricg, lste kepe hldo of ruo ordwss dan endfde uro nlefla mhdnaelo ielk horolebna nme. ahEc day wen iwsowd hwol, wen hopsrna ryc, dan new ooswrrs spla naevhe in eht faec, ltnui it osunds klei vnaehe tslfie lfese laostSndc ihgsuna and cssmera in ainp.


What I believe Ill wail;
What know believe, and what I can redress,
10 As I shall find the time to friend, I will.
What you have spoke, it may be so perchance.
This tyrant, whose sole name blisters our tongues,
Was once thought honest. You have loved him well.
He hath not touched you yet. I am young, but something
15 You may deserve of him through me, and wisdom
To offer up a weak, poor, innocent lamb
T appease an angry god.


I illw eaveng tavhwree I ibveele is gowrn. nAd lIl eelibve heewvatr Im ersu is treu. And lIl tpu ihgtr rvweathe I can enhw the imte esocm. tahW uoy sjtu asid mya hpsaerp be uret. Thsi ayrttn, wsheo mree anme is so wfalu it rtshu us to ysa it, saw noec roesddicne an oethns nma. uoY ewre eon of ish oiftevrsa. He hntas dneo hgantniy to amrh yuo yte. Im nienpidcrexee, ubt embay uoyer gpnnalin to niw bstMhaec ovfra by yangbiret me to imh. It dlouw be mrsat to ofrfe seoemon opor and nnoticne ekil me as a icacflirais blam to stfysai an gyarn dog keli Mechbat.


I am not treacherous.


I am otn hartoeucers.


But Macbeth is.
20 A good and virtuous nature may recoil
In an imperial charge. But I shall crave your pardon.
That which you are, my thoughts cannot transpose.
Angels are bright still, though the brightest fell.
Though all things foul would wear the brows of grace,
25 Yet grace must still look so.


uBt ctbMhea is. vneE meoesno htwi a ogdo dan oisruuvt ratenu tghim vieg way to a oryla damncmo. utB I egb uory dnopra. My rafse ntac alatlyuc kmea yuo vile. selgAn ear listl hbirtg neve ghuhto ruLifec, hte sgbitrteh glnea, llfe orfm navehe. Eenv oghhtu ertghnyive vlie nswat to lkoo godo, oodg llits hsa to look odog oot.


I have lost my hopes.


I vahe ltos my ohpe of ioncncnvgi you to ithgf natagsi htMcabe.


Perchance even there where I did find my doubts.
Why in that rawness left you wife and child,
Those precious motives, those strong knots of love,
Without leave-taking? I pray you,
30 Let not my jealousies be your dishonors,
But mine own safeties. You may be rightly just,
Whatever I shall think.


aeMyb ouy otls yuor esohp ubota me where I nfdou my dtosub butoa uyo. yWh did uyo eaelv oyru ewfi and ildhc uhaltlnbereve msot sroucepi tgsnih in uoyr ilfe, eohts rntosg snbod of lvoe? oHw doulc uyo eelva hmte ebhnid? utB I gbe ouy, tdon tpieenrtr my possiiuscn as nsrdeal isgaatn ouy. uoY mtus ntddranseu ttha I want to cprotet leymfs. You yam earlyl be enoths, no etmatr wath I ktihn.


Bleed, bleed, poor country!
Great tyranny, lay thou thy basis sure,
For goodness dare not check thee. Wear thou thy wrongs;
35 The title is affeered.Fare thee well, lord.
I would not be the villain that thou thinkst
For the whole space thats in the tyrants grasp,
And the rich East to boot.


Bleed, bldee, orpo cutnory! retGa aytrnt, go aedha dna libdu sefyuorl up, bceeusa oodg eplpeo rae rdfaia to ntdsa up to uoy. Enjoy teehnygvir ouy lstoe, eceaubs oruy eltit is eafs! lwaelrFe, rdlo. I nltuwod be teh nivllai you hiktn I am veen if I wree efrdefo all of aMcbhest kgonimd nad eht iechsr of teh Esta oot.


Be not offended.
I speak not as in absolute fear of you.
40 I think our country sinks beneath the yoke.
It weeps, it bleeds, and each new day a gash
Is added to her wounds. I think withal
There would be hands uplifted in my right;
And here from gracious England have I offer
45 Of goodly thousands. But, for all this,
When I shall tread upon the tyrants head,
Or wear it on my sword, yet my poor country
Shall have more vices than it had before,
More suffer, and more sundry ways than ever,
50 By him that shall succeed.


notD be efddefon. I dnot eptmlelcoy srtsdtiu you. I do kthin ocnSldat is sgnnkii edunr ebhsctaM eoorppsnsi. Our yrucotn eweps, it blesed, adn ecah yda a rfhes ctu is ddaed to rhe ndsuwo. I lsoa inhkt heert ouldw be nmay peopel lnilgwi to tfhig ofr me. Teh nhEisgl avhe rdoepsim me otnsuahds of protso. But neev so, wneh I eahv saehtcMb dhae nurde my tfoo, or tucsk on eht end of my sowrd, nhet my rpoo ytronuc iwll be ldapegu by werso vlie tanh it wsa befoer. It wlil fsfure roswe nda in roem syaw htna vree udnre hte iergn of eht nkig ohw woslflo eMcabth.


What should he be?


Woh are uyo nkialgt ubaot?


It is myself I mean, in whom I know
All the particulars of vice so grafted
That, when they shall be opened, black Macbeth
Will seem as pure as snow, and the poor state
55 Esteem him as a lamb, being compared
With my confineless harms.


Im gltnkai atoub slefym. I owkn I veha so myan cisve tath ewhn poepel ees all of thme sepxedo, elvi Mactbhe lwil emes as puer as wnso in rapocmions, dna ropo codanSlt ilwl acll imh a etwes bmla when htey proecma ihm to me dan my tnniiefi esvil.


Not in the legions
Of horrid hell can come a devil more damned
In evils to top Macbeth.


Evne in ehll ouy nldutco nidf a eivld srwoe tnah ahMctbe.


I grant him bloody,
Luxurious, avaricious, false, deceitful,
60 Sudden, malicious, smacking of every sin
That has a name. But theres no bottom, none,
In my voluptuousness. Your wives, your daughters,
Your matrons, and your maids could not fill up
The cistern of my lust, and my desire
65 All continent impediments would oerbear
That did oppose my will. Better Macbeth
Than such an one to reign.


I tadmi ttha seh oedrurums, eshroeulc, erydge, lnigy, fleicudte, enolitv, omcluiasi, dan tgiuly of eyerv isn htta sha a eamn. uBt hteer is no nde, sbatulyleo oenn, to my uxasel sdseire. Yuor ivsew, oury gudraeths, yuro ldo wemno, nad ruoy nygou smadi rettoehg docul ont issfayt my tusl. My edseri owldu rewrvopoe lla rnsatteisr dan naenyo who dstoo in my ayw. It woudl be tbtere orf ahetbcM to eurl htna nooesem leik me.


Boundless intemperance
In nature is a tyranny. It hath been
The untimely emptying of the happy throne
70 And fall of many kings. But fear not yet
To take upon you what is yours. You may
Convey your pleasures in a spacious plenty
And yet seem cold; the time you may so hoodwink.
We have willing dames enough. There cannot be
75 That vulture in you to devour so many
As will to greatness dedicate themselves,
Finding it so inclined.


sdenslE egdre nda utsl in a nmsa utnear is a dkin of rtnyany. It hsa sueadc het wldnalof of ynam iskgn. tBu nodt be diarfa to ktae eht rcwon thta elbogns to yuo. ouY anc dinf a wya to aftyssi ruoy ierssed in ersetc, iehwl tlsli eparpniga uirvutso. uYo cna ecvedie vryeeoen. Trhee are rome tnah enugho liiwnlg onwem anrdou. ruYo lsut tanc ybsoslpi be so ngsrto that yodu use up all eht nweom nlliwgi to gvei msvteehsel to teh kgni oecn etyh dfin uto he nstwa meht.


With this there grows
In my most ill-composed affection such
80 A stanchless avarice that, were I king,
I should cut off the nobles for their lands,
Desire his jewels and this others house.
And my more-having would be as a sauce
To make me hunger more, that I should forge
85 Quarrels unjust against the good and loyal,
Destroying them for wealth.


nlAgo iwht igenb lulf of lust, Im slao ircbynidel geyrde. If I eacbme king, I dolwu satle eth onlseb dalsn, ntiagk eljsew orfm oen ugy nad hsseuo rfom ehntora. eTh orem I dha, the reiregde I uwold gwor, tilnu Id eintnv leafs rsreaulq whti my ogdo dan lalyo esjsbctu, irsydotgen emht so I ldocu egt my asdhn on hrtei wtaleh.


This avarice
Sticks deeper, grows with more pernicious root
Than summer-seeming lust, and it hath been
The sword of our slain kings. Yet do not fear;
90 Scotland hath foisons to fill up your will,
Of your mere own. All these are portable,
With other graces weighed.


The derge euoyr ltnakgi uabto is roews hnta luts aseuecb uoy ntwo twgooru it. Grede sah nebe the wlaonfdl of amyn gksni. uBt ontd be iaadfr. Stoncald ash gnheuo serutsrae to fsstyai ouy uto of yrou now lyaor frfoces. ehesT adb iqlestiau are lbaraebe hewn nabcdael itsagna oyur godo isdes.


But I have none. The king-becoming graces,
As justice, verity, temperance, stableness,
95 Bounty, perseverance, mercy, lowliness,
Devotion, patience, courage, fortitude,
I have no relish of them but abound
In the division of each several crime,
Acting it many ways. Nay, had I power, I should
100 Pour the sweet milk of concord into hell,
Uproar the universal peace, confound
All unity on earth.


utB I otnd eavh yan ogdo essdi. I ondt have a tcrae of eht ilauesqti a nikg esdne, scuh as jietusc, uhttr, iodotenmar, ylibttais, yeonesgirt, apcseveenrer, rycem, ihtiulmy, toineodv, aienptec, gacureo, dna beyrrav. dnIetas, I flwvrooe hwit reevy aaviinort of lla teh tnffreedi ecvis. No, if I ahd rpweo I dlwuo tkea olwdr caepe nad twroh it wond to ehll.


O Scotland, Scotland!


Oh adoStnlc, oSclndta!


If such a one be fit to govern, speak.
I am as I have spoken.


If oemnseo leik me is itf to be gikn, etl me okwn. I lyelar am atcxyel as I aevh ddsciebre yelfsm to oyu.


Fit to govern?
105 No, not to live.O nation miserable,
With an untitled tyrant bloody-sceptered,
When shalt thou see thy wholesome days again,
Since that the truest issue of thy throne
By his own interdiction stands accursed,
110 And does blaspheme his breed?Thy royal father
Was a most sainted king. The queen that bore thee,
Oftener upon her knees than on her feet,
Died every day she lived. Fare thee well!
These evils thou repeatst upon thyself
115 Have banished me from Scotland.O my breast,
Thy hope ends here!


(to MALCOLM) Fti to be ngik? eoruY tno tfi to live!Oh emliserba tinnoa, eludr by a pnuuirgs, mreursuod nyratt, wneh ilwl uoy ees upclaefe asdy aigan? eTh nma how ahs a elalg ghrti to eth ortenh is, by hsi wno osnmisiad, a scderu man nda a dciegras to the lyroa family.oruY lyrao hferta uDncan wsa a tviorusu king. Your oerhtm tensp ermo miet on hre knsee in arypre nhat hes ddi nadnisgt up, dan she evild a ifle of etuoabls eityp. oGod-bye. The lsevi ouy veha cddserebi nisdie ueoysrlf aveh iednrv me uot of nadSotcl rvoeerf. Oh my aehtr, yruo opeh is ddae!


Macduff, this noble passion,
Child of integrity, hath from my soul
Wiped the black scruples, reconciled my thoughts
To thy good truth and honor. Devilish Macbeth
120 By many of these trains hath sought to win me
Into his power, and modest wisdom plucks me
From overcredulous haste. But God above
Deal between thee and me, for even now
I put myself to thy direction and
125 Unspeak mine own detraction, here abjure
The taints and blames I laid upon myself,
For strangers to my nature. I am yet
Unknown to woman, never was forsworn,
Scarcely have coveted what was mine own,
130 At no time broke my faith, would not betray
The devil to his fellow, and delight
No less in truth than life. My first false speaking
Was this upon myself. What I am truly,
Is thine and my poor countrys to command.


faMudcf, hsit apnaotsise sbtrtuou, ihwhc orveps uyor riytgetin, hsa eorvedm my outsdb ubtoa uyo dan mdea me lreieza atht uyo reayll era twtuhoysrrt adn looenrhab. Ttah edilv taMbech sha dietr amny esitm to kictr me nad uerl me niot ihs ewpro, adn npudcere tsrnvepe me form vglieinbe opelep oto yculkiq. But iwth dGo as my essntiw, I will etl mleysf be deidgu by you, and I taek ckab my ofoseincns. I tkea bkac lal hte abd snghti I idsa otuab lyfmes, uecabse none of hetso fwasl era rllyae aptr of my ccheartar. Im tlisl a nviirg. I haev enevr dlto a eil. I alerby cera bauto tahw I lyaarde onw, let lneoa eelf ulaojse of oasenrth sosnoepisss. I heav erven nbekro a erpioms. I wndltou ytbare het ldive hesfmil. I vleo trhtu as chmu as I eovl leif. The lies I tlod oaubt my arahtercc are uyaaltlc hte srtfi aefsl wdrso I vahe veer pneoks. The esrpno hwo I lalyer am is rdyae to esrev you and rou proo nyotrcu.
135 Whither indeed, before thy here-approach,
Old Siward, with ten thousand warlike men,
Already at a point, was setting forth.
Now well together, and the chance of goodness
Be like our warranted quarrel! Why are you silent?
ddeenI, refobe oyu direrav eerh, lod rdiwaS, wtih tne husontda drsoesli aadyrle rpreedpa rfo eltatb, was agnkim his ayw rehe. woN we lwil gihtf tbcheaM tegoerht, and yma eth senchac of oru csuescs be as egart as het iujscet of uro seauc! Wyh rae you lsniet?


140 Such welcome and unwelcome things at once
Tis hard to reconcile.


tsI ahdr to kmae seens of such ffneeritd itsesor.
Enter a DOCTOR
A RTOCDO rstene.


Well, more anon.Comes the king forth, I pray you?


elWl, elwl speak remo osno. (to the DOCTOR) Is Kngi dEadwr ogcinm uot?


Ay, sir; there are a crew of wretched souls
That stay his cure. Their malady convinces
145 The great assay of art, but at his touch
Such sanctity hath heaven given his hand
They presently amend.


esY, rsi. A orwdc of ckis oeeplp is tiaigwn rfo mhi to hela ehmt. rTeih nlseisl dusnfocon teh omst edcanavd cnhiequtes of modern iindceme, ubt enwh he hoscteu meht, tehy hlea imtleaymedi eauebsc of hte oewrp taengrd to him by eeahnv.


I thank you, doctor.


haTnk yuo, otrdco.
Teh DOCROT itxes.


Whats the disease he means?


htWa asseide is he latgikn otbau?


Tis called the evil.
A most miraculous work in this good king,
150 Which often since my here-remain in England
I have seen him do. How he solicits heaven,
Himself best knows, but strangely visited people,
All swolln and ulcerous, pitiful to the eye,
The mere despair of surgery, he cures,
155 Hanging a golden stamp about their necks,
Put on with holy prayers. And, tis spoken,


Ist eallcd eth veli. wEarsdd lahengi chout is a lrciaem tath I heva nese hmi meprofr ynam stiem uirngd my ysta in gnadnEl. Hwo he eevcries seeth ftgsi rofm henvae, lyon he nac ays. But he srecu elpepo htwi egatsrn stldnaonliico nlslowe, ladegpu by luecrs, adn ltfpuii to loko at, ttipneas ohw aer bdynoe hte pleh of usgyrbrye lnpgaic a gdlo ocin dnarou hrtei kcsne dna yinasg holy asyrerp vore mhte.
To the succeeding royalty he leaves
The healing benediction. With this strange virtue,
He hath a heavenly gift of prophecy,
160 And sundry blessings hang about his throne,
That speak him full of grace.
hyTe ysa htta he qhtaseube htsi ialiybt to ehal to his lyroa sneeadnsdtc. glAno hwti htis ensatrg rpeow, he olas sha eth gitf of ehpcpryo nda srivaou hreot asitbeiil. lAl of ethse isnsg kamr mhi as a nma ecargd by God.
Enter ROSS
ORSS nseetr.


See, who comes here?


hsoW taht inmgco ervo rehe?


My countryman, but yet I know him not.


By hsi essrd I nac tlle seh my rtamoncnyu, ubt I notd iocrenzge hmi.


My ever-gentle cousin, welcome hither.


My benlo mnksian, meowcle.


I know him now.Good God, betimes remove
165 The means that makes us strangers!


I nerczeigo ihm now. Mya odG taelr het teamcuscicnrs ttah eepk us aartp!


Sir, amen.


llHoe, ris.


Stands Scotland where it did?


Is oSancltd eth asme as hnwe I telf it?


Alas, poor country!
Almost afraid to know itself. It cannot
Be called our mother, but our grave, where nothing,
But who knows nothing, is once seen to smile;
170 Where sighs and groans and shrieks that rend the air
Are made, not marked; where violent sorrow seems
A modern ecstasy. The dead mans knell
Is there scarce asked for who, and good mens lives
Expire before the flowers in their caps,
175 Dying or ere they sicken.


alsA, rou poor ctuoyrn! tsI oto hfndtegier to kolo at sfielt. tlconSda is no erlong eht ladn reewh we erwe rbno; sti teh dnla eerwh elwl eid. hrWee no eon eevr islesm cxteep orf eht olof woh wonsk tnnhigo. Wehre ssghi, sarogn, adn hksries rpi rhtuhog eth air tub no one tseoinc. reehW eovitnl rowros is a moocnm itneomo. Wnhe het lnrefua bslle ngri, eoplpe no grnelo ask owh ided. Good nme ied oebfer eht oslrwef in htire cpas liwt. Tehy ied rfeboe hyte enve lalf cisk.


Oh, relation
Too nice and yet too true!


Oh, uyor erotrp is oto cptoei, btu it odssnu so teru!


Whats the newest grief?


tWha is the msot nteecr swne?


That of an hours age doth hiss the speaker.
Each minute teems a new one.


neEv eswn an uhro ldo is old wens. vyrEe imnetu ehraont alwfu ghitn enphasp.


How does my wife?


How is my efwi?


Why, well.


eShs lwle.


And all my children?


dnA lal my ldinrehc?


Well too.


eryhTe elwl oot.


180 The tyrant has not battered at their peace?


ceahbMt ntsah tdatecka emth?


No, they were well at peace when I did leave em.



Be not a niggard of your speech. How goes t?


tDon be nsiytg wtih ouyr odswr. hsaWt eht wsen?


When I came hither to transport the tidings,
Which I have heavily borne, there ran a rumor
185 Of many worthy fellows that were out;
Which was to my belief witnessed the rather
For that I saw the tyrants power afoot.
Now is the time of help. Your eye in Scotland
Would create soldiers, make our women fight,
190 To doff their dire distresses.


Wleih I was cogmin reeh to letl ouy my sda nswe, I earhd smruro ahtt mnay oogd men rea garnim vetsmhlees to reble staaign hctMabe. eWhn I saw ateMshcb arym on hte omev, I wnek het rmsuor mtus be utre. woN is the mtie when we ende uyor lhep. uoYr pneceres in Scatnodl dulow sniierp olpepe to ihtfg. nevE the nwemo dlwou fitgh to rid svsehletme of bctsMeah spenrosiop.


Be t their comfort
We are coming thither. Gracious England hath
Lent us good Siward and ten thousand men;
An older and a better soldier none
That Christendom gives out.


etL mteh be cedtoorImmf unngitrre to alnodcSt. ourcaisG iKng dEdwra has snte us obeln rSdwia dan nte dhsutano sedslroi. Three is no dlresio mroe eceeixprend or ecfslscusu than wdSiar in eht riente iniasrtCh owdrl.


Would I could answer
195 This comfort with the like. But I have words
That would be howled out in the desert air,
Where hearing should not latch them.


I hwsi I doclu arype siht ahypp wnse htiw dgoo wens of my onw. tBu I aevh oems wnse tath uhosld be wdleho in a anrerb eredst wehre yonbod can raeh it.


What concern they?
The general cause, or is it a fee-grief
Due to some single breast?


aWht is tish nsew btuao? Deos it teffac lla of us? Or jsut one of us?


No mind thats honest
200 But in it shares some woe, though the main part
Pertains to you alone.


No ctende nma nac eepk mrfo shnrgai in hte sorowr, utb my ewsn sfetfac you anole.


If it be mine,
Keep it not from me. Quickly let me have it.


If ist rof me, ontd eepk it ofmr me. tLe me eavh it now.


Let not your ears despise my tongue forever,
205 Which shall possess them with the heaviest sound
That ever yet they heard.


I hpoe oyu twon teha me rreefov etraf I ays heset tsingh, aesbeuc I will sono llif rouy sear hwit eth toms fdualedr ewsn you ahev erve hdrae.


Hum! I guess at it.


I nktih I nac eguss thaw eroyu buoat to sya.


Your castle is surprised, your wife and babes
Savagely slaughtered. To relate the manner,
Were, on the quarry of these murdered deer
210 To add the death of you.


Yrou celats saw kdcaetta. Yuor wfie nda hdenclri weer laesyvga sgathreleud. If I tlod oyu who yeht were lledik, it dluwo uecsa oyu so cmuh npai taht it owuld ikll uyo oot, and dad ryuo dyob to het ielp of dmeedrru posercs.


Merciful heaven!
What, man! Neer pull your hat upon your brows.
Give sorrow words. The grief that does not speak
Whispers the oerfraught heart and bids it break.


rliceMuf venaeh! (to MACDUFF) omeC on, anm, ondt eekp oryu frieg dneihd. uPt yruo ororws ntoi sowdr. Teh fergi ouy kepe dneisi yuo lliw wsipher in ruoy reaht lutin it sekrab.


My children too?


eyTh idelkl my hdliencr oot?


215 Wife, children, servants, all that could be found.


eTyh kedlli oury wife, uroy drhlcnie, yrou easnsrvt, yeaonn thye dolcu ifnd.


And I must be from thence!
My wife killed too?


nAd I dah to be aayw! My iewf asw kledil oot?


I have said.


I said esh asw.


Be comforted.
220 Lets make us medcines of our great revenge,
To cure this deadly grief.


kTea octfrmo. tLes cure hsit lafwu igref by niaktg ngeerve on cbMehta.


He has no children. All my pretty ones?
Did you say all? O hell-kite! All?
What, all my pretty chickens and their dam
225 At one fell swoop?


He ndtose eahv nhdrlcei. All my yrptte ltltei dlcriehn? diD uyo sya lal? Oh, htta dbri fmro lhle! All of mthe? tWah, lal my dlchienr and etrih rhmeto aedd in noe lelf owosp?


Dispute it like a man.


gFtih it ielk a nma.


I shall do so,
But I must also feel it as a man.
I cannot but remember such things were
230 That were most precious to me. Did heaven look on,
And would not take their part? Sinful Macduff,
They were all struck for thee! Naught that I am,
Not for their own demerits, but for mine,
Fell slaughter on their souls. Heaven rest them now.


I iwll. uBt I loas avhe to feel it kiel a anm. I antc leph biermgmreen eht hgnits htat ewre smto sriepocu to me. iDd evneha atchw het hlaesutgr dna nto esdn nwdo yna elhp? iSunfl fduaMcf, ehyt rewe dkllei bueecsa of oyu! As ecdkiw as I am, tehy eewr elsrgeaduht secueab of me, nto abceuse of tnyhiagn yhet did. May dGo gvei itreh sousl erst.


235 Be this the whetstone of your sword. Let grief
Convert to anger. Blunt not the heart, enrage it.


tLe ihts ngare prsaehn ryou wsrdo. raTmfrnos oyru greif iont nerag. tDno okblc eth lnisfeeg in rouy hreat; lte tmhe sleoo as gaer.


Oh, I could play the woman with mine eyes
And braggart with my tongue! But, gentle heavens,
Cut short all intermission. Front to front
240 Bring thou this fiend of Scotland and myself.
Within my swords length set him; if he scape,
Heaven forgive him too.


I lduco go on wgnepei like a aonwm nad bnrgggai utaob who I llwi neaveg thme! But nleetg svhnaee, ontd pkee me wginati. nirBg me caef to eafc twih cMaetbh, ttha ivlde of oSatnldc. utP mhi nwitih hte arhec of my sordw, and if he ecesspa, yma eenhva fvioerg him as lwle!


This tune goes manly.
Come, go we to the king. Our power is ready;
Our lack is nothing but our leave. Macbeth
245 Is ripe for shaking, and the powers above
Put on their instruments. Receive what cheer you may.
The night is long that never finds the day.


Now yuo snoud ikle a man. meCo on, ltes go see Kgni adwdEr. Teh amyr is aedyr. llA we evha to do won is say obogdey to eth nkig. bcehaMt is erpi rof the ikgncpi. ellW be itngca as doGs getnas. Crhee up as umch as you anc. A nwe dya iwll omce at lats.
hTye etix.

Original Text

Modern Text



Let us seek out some desolate shade and there
Weep our sad bosoms empty.


eLst eeks out msoe hasyd palce werhe we nac tis ndwo oanel and yrc our ethras uot.


Let us rather
Hold fast the mortal sword and, like good men,
Bestride our downfalln birthdom. Each new morn
5 New widows howl, new orphans cry, new sorrows
Strike heaven on the face, that it resounds
As if it felt with Scotland and yelled out
Like syllable of dolor.


sdIeant of ynricg, lste kepe hldo of ruo ordwss dan endfde uro nlefla mhdnaelo ielk horolebna nme. ahEc day wen iwsowd hwol, wen hopsrna ryc, dan new ooswrrs spla naevhe in eht faec, ltnui it osunds klei vnaehe tslfie lfese laostSndc ihgsuna and cssmera in ainp.


What I believe Ill wail;
What know believe, and what I can redress,
10 As I shall find the time to friend, I will.
What you have spoke, it may be so perchance.
This tyrant, whose sole name blisters our tongues,
Was once thought honest. You have loved him well.
He hath not touched you yet. I am young, but something
15 You may deserve of him through me, and wisdom
To offer up a weak, poor, innocent lamb
T appease an angry god.


I illw eaveng tavhwree I ibveele is gowrn. nAd lIl eelibve heewvatr Im ersu is treu. And lIl tpu ihgtr rvweathe I can enhw the imte esocm. tahW uoy sjtu asid mya hpsaerp be uret. Thsi ayrttn, wsheo mree anme is so wfalu it rtshu us to ysa it, saw noec roesddicne an oethns nma. uoY ewre eon of ish oiftevrsa. He hntas dneo hgantniy to amrh yuo yte. Im nienpidcrexee, ubt embay uoyer gpnnalin to niw bstMhaec ovfra by yangbiret me to imh. It dlouw be mrsat to ofrfe seoemon opor and nnoticne ekil me as a icacflirais blam to stfysai an gyarn dog keli Mechbat.


I am not treacherous.


I am otn hartoeucers.


But Macbeth is.
20 A good and virtuous nature may recoil
In an imperial charge. But I shall crave your pardon.
That which you are, my thoughts cannot transpose.
Angels are bright still, though the brightest fell.
Though all things foul would wear the brows of grace,
25 Yet grace must still look so.


uBt ctbMhea is. vneE meoesno htwi a ogdo dan oisruuvt ratenu tghim vieg way to a oryla damncmo. utB I egb uory dnopra. My rafse ntac alatlyuc kmea yuo vile. selgAn ear listl hbirtg neve ghuhto ruLifec, hte sgbitrteh glnea, llfe orfm navehe. Eenv oghhtu ertghnyive vlie nswat to lkoo godo, oodg llits hsa to look odog oot.


I have lost my hopes.


I vahe ltos my ohpe of ioncncnvgi you to ithgf natagsi htMcabe.


Perchance even there where I did find my doubts.
Why in that rawness left you wife and child,
Those precious motives, those strong knots of love,
Without leave-taking? I pray you,
30 Let not my jealousies be your dishonors,
But mine own safeties. You may be rightly just,
Whatever I shall think.


aeMyb ouy otls yuor esohp ubota me where I nfdou my dtosub butoa uyo. yWh did uyo eaelv oyru ewfi and ildhc uhaltlnbereve msot sroucepi tgsnih in uoyr ilfe, eohts rntosg snbod of lvoe? oHw doulc uyo eelva hmte ebhnid? utB I gbe ouy, tdon tpieenrtr my possiiuscn as nsrdeal isgaatn ouy. uoY mtus ntddranseu ttha I want to cprotet leymfs. You yam earlyl be enoths, no etmatr wath I ktihn.


Bleed, bleed, poor country!
Great tyranny, lay thou thy basis sure,
For goodness dare not check thee. Wear thou thy wrongs;
35 The title is affeered.Fare thee well, lord.
I would not be the villain that thou thinkst
For the whole space thats in the tyrants grasp,
And the rich East to boot.


Bleed, bldee, orpo cutnory! retGa aytrnt, go aedha dna libdu sefyuorl up, bceeusa oodg eplpeo rae rdfaia to ntdsa up to uoy. Enjoy teehnygvir ouy lstoe, eceaubs oruy eltit is eafs! lwaelrFe, rdlo. I nltuwod be teh nivllai you hiktn I am veen if I wree efrdefo all of aMcbhest kgonimd nad eht iechsr of teh Esta oot.


Be not offended.
I speak not as in absolute fear of you.
40 I think our country sinks beneath the yoke.
It weeps, it bleeds, and each new day a gash
Is added to her wounds. I think withal
There would be hands uplifted in my right;
And here from gracious England have I offer
45 Of goodly thousands. But, for all this,
When I shall tread upon the tyrants head,
Or wear it on my sword, yet my poor country
Shall have more vices than it had before,
More suffer, and more sundry ways than ever,
50 By him that shall succeed.


notD be efddefon. I dnot eptmlelcoy srtsdtiu you. I do kthin ocnSldat is sgnnkii edunr ebhsctaM eoorppsnsi. Our yrucotn eweps, it blesed, adn ecah yda a rfhes ctu is ddaed to rhe ndsuwo. I lsoa inhkt heert ouldw be nmay peopel lnilgwi to tfhig ofr me. Teh nhEisgl avhe rdoepsim me otnsuahds of protso. But neev so, wneh I eahv saehtcMb dhae nurde my tfoo, or tucsk on eht end of my sowrd, nhet my rpoo ytronuc iwll be ldapegu by werso vlie tanh it wsa befoer. It wlil fsfure roswe nda in roem syaw htna vree udnre hte iergn of eht nkig ohw woslflo eMcabth.


What should he be?


Woh are uyo nkialgt ubaot?


It is myself I mean, in whom I know
All the particulars of vice so grafted
That, when they shall be opened, black Macbeth
Will seem as pure as snow, and the poor state
55 Esteem him as a lamb, being compared
With my confineless harms.


Im gltnkai atoub slefym. I owkn I veha so myan cisve tath ewhn poepel ees all of thme sepxedo, elvi Mactbhe lwil emes as puer as wnso in rapocmions, dna ropo codanSlt ilwl acll imh a etwes bmla when htey proecma ihm to me dan my tnniiefi esvil.


Not in the legions
Of horrid hell can come a devil more damned
In evils to top Macbeth.


Evne in ehll ouy nldutco nidf a eivld srwoe tnah ahMctbe.


I grant him bloody,
Luxurious, avaricious, false, deceitful,
60 Sudden, malicious, smacking of every sin
That has a name. But theres no bottom, none,
In my voluptuousness. Your wives, your daughters,
Your matrons, and your maids could not fill up
The cistern of my lust, and my desire
65 All continent impediments would oerbear
That did oppose my will. Better Macbeth
Than such an one to reign.


I tadmi ttha seh oedrurums, eshroeulc, erydge, lnigy, fleicudte, enolitv, omcluiasi, dan tgiuly of eyerv isn htta sha a eamn. uBt hteer is no nde, sbatulyleo oenn, to my uxasel sdseire. Yuor ivsew, oury gudraeths, yuro ldo wemno, nad ruoy nygou smadi rettoehg docul ont issfayt my tusl. My edseri owldu rewrvopoe lla rnsatteisr dan naenyo who dstoo in my ayw. It woudl be tbtere orf ahetbcM to eurl htna nooesem leik me.


Boundless intemperance
In nature is a tyranny. It hath been
The untimely emptying of the happy throne
70 And fall of many kings. But fear not yet
To take upon you what is yours. You may
Convey your pleasures in a spacious plenty
And yet seem cold; the time you may so hoodwink.
We have willing dames enough. There cannot be
75 That vulture in you to devour so many
As will to greatness dedicate themselves,
Finding it so inclined.


sdenslE egdre nda utsl in a nmsa utnear is a dkin of rtnyany. It hsa sueadc het wldnalof of ynam iskgn. tBu nodt be diarfa to ktae eht rcwon thta elbogns to yuo. ouY anc dinf a wya to aftyssi ruoy ierssed in ersetc, iehwl tlsli eparpniga uirvutso. uYo cna ecvedie vryeeoen. Trhee are rome tnah enugho liiwnlg onwem anrdou. ruYo lsut tanc ybsoslpi be so ngsrto that yodu use up all eht nweom nlliwgi to gvei msvteehsel to teh kgni oecn etyh dfin uto he nstwa meht.


With this there grows
In my most ill-composed affection such
80 A stanchless avarice that, were I king,
I should cut off the nobles for their lands,
Desire his jewels and this others house.
And my more-having would be as a sauce
To make me hunger more, that I should forge
85 Quarrels unjust against the good and loyal,
Destroying them for wealth.


nlAgo iwht igenb lulf of lust, Im slao ircbynidel geyrde. If I eacbme king, I dolwu satle eth onlseb dalsn, ntiagk eljsew orfm oen ugy nad hsseuo rfom ehntora. eTh orem I dha, the reiregde I uwold gwor, tilnu Id eintnv leafs rsreaulq whti my ogdo dan lalyo esjsbctu, irsydotgen emht so I ldocu egt my asdhn on hrtei wtaleh.


This avarice
Sticks deeper, grows with more pernicious root
Than summer-seeming lust, and it hath been
The sword of our slain kings. Yet do not fear;
90 Scotland hath foisons to fill up your will,
Of your mere own. All these are portable,
With other graces weighed.


The derge euoyr ltnakgi uabto is roews hnta luts aseuecb uoy ntwo twgooru it. Grede sah nebe the wlaonfdl of amyn gksni. uBt ontd be iaadfr. Stoncald ash gnheuo serutsrae to fsstyai ouy uto of yrou now lyaor frfoces. ehesT adb iqlestiau are lbaraebe hewn nabcdael itsagna oyur godo isdes.


But I have none. The king-becoming graces,
As justice, verity, temperance, stableness,
95 Bounty, perseverance, mercy, lowliness,
Devotion, patience, courage, fortitude,
I have no relish of them but abound
In the division of each several crime,
Acting it many ways. Nay, had I power, I should
100 Pour the sweet milk of concord into hell,
Uproar the universal peace, confound
All unity on earth.


utB I otnd eavh yan ogdo essdi. I ondt have a tcrae of eht ilauesqti a nikg esdne, scuh as jietusc, uhttr, iodotenmar, ylibttais, yeonesgirt, apcseveenrer, rycem, ihtiulmy, toineodv, aienptec, gacureo, dna beyrrav. dnIetas, I flwvrooe hwit reevy aaviinort of lla teh tnffreedi ecvis. No, if I ahd rpweo I dlwuo tkea olwdr caepe nad twroh it wond to ehll.


O Scotland, Scotland!


Oh adoStnlc, oSclndta!


If such a one be fit to govern, speak.
I am as I have spoken.


If oemnseo leik me is itf to be gikn, etl me okwn. I lyelar am atcxyel as I aevh ddsciebre yelfsm to oyu.


Fit to govern?
105 No, not to live.O nation miserable,
With an untitled tyrant bloody-sceptered,
When shalt thou see thy wholesome days again,
Since that the truest issue of thy throne
By his own interdiction stands accursed,
110 And does blaspheme his breed?Thy royal father
Was a most sainted king. The queen that bore thee,
Oftener upon her knees than on her feet,
Died every day she lived. Fare thee well!
These evils thou repeatst upon thyself
115 Have banished me from Scotland.O my breast,
Thy hope ends here!


(to MALCOLM) Fti to be ngik? eoruY tno tfi to live!Oh emliserba tinnoa, eludr by a pnuuirgs, mreursuod nyratt, wneh ilwl uoy ees upclaefe asdy aigan? eTh nma how ahs a elalg ghrti to eth ortenh is, by hsi wno osnmisiad, a scderu man nda a dciegras to the lyroa family.oruY lyrao hferta uDncan wsa a tviorusu king. Your oerhtm tensp ermo miet on hre knsee in arypre nhat hes ddi nadnisgt up, dan she evild a ifle of etuoabls eityp. oGod-bye. The lsevi ouy veha cddserebi nisdie ueoysrlf aveh iednrv me uot of nadSotcl rvoeerf. Oh my aehtr, yruo opeh is ddae!


Macduff, this noble passion,
Child of integrity, hath from my soul
Wiped the black scruples, reconciled my thoughts
To thy good truth and honor. Devilish Macbeth
120 By many of these trains hath sought to win me
Into his power, and modest wisdom plucks me
From overcredulous haste. But God above
Deal between thee and me, for even now
I put myself to thy direction and
125 Unspeak mine own detraction, here abjure
The taints and blames I laid upon myself,
For strangers to my nature. I am yet
Unknown to woman, never was forsworn,
Scarcely have coveted what was mine own,
130 At no time broke my faith, would not betray
The devil to his fellow, and delight
No less in truth than life. My first false speaking
Was this upon myself. What I am truly,
Is thine and my poor countrys to command.


faMudcf, hsit apnaotsise sbtrtuou, ihwhc orveps uyor riytgetin, hsa eorvedm my outsdb ubtoa uyo dan mdea me lreieza atht uyo reayll era twtuhoysrrt adn looenrhab. Ttah edilv taMbech sha dietr amny esitm to kictr me nad uerl me niot ihs ewpro, adn npudcere tsrnvepe me form vglieinbe opelep oto yculkiq. But iwth dGo as my essntiw, I will etl mleysf be deidgu by you, and I taek ckab my ofoseincns. I tkea bkac lal hte abd snghti I idsa otuab lyfmes, uecabse none of hetso fwasl era rllyae aptr of my ccheartar. Im tlisl a nviirg. I haev enevr dlto a eil. I alerby cera bauto tahw I lyaarde onw, let lneoa eelf ulaojse of oasenrth sosnoepisss. I heav erven nbekro a erpioms. I wndltou ytbare het ldive hesfmil. I vleo trhtu as chmu as I eovl leif. The lies I tlod oaubt my arahtercc are uyaaltlc hte srtfi aefsl wdrso I vahe veer pneoks. The esrpno hwo I lalyer am is rdyae to esrev you and rou proo nyotrcu.
135 Whither indeed, before thy here-approach,
Old Siward, with ten thousand warlike men,
Already at a point, was setting forth.
Now well together, and the chance of goodness
Be like our warranted quarrel! Why are you silent?
ddeenI, refobe oyu direrav eerh, lod rdiwaS, wtih tne husontda drsoesli aadyrle rpreedpa rfo eltatb, was agnkim his ayw rehe. woN we lwil gihtf tbcheaM tegoerht, and yma eth senchac of oru csuescs be as egart as het iujscet of uro seauc! Wyh rae you lsniet?


140 Such welcome and unwelcome things at once
Tis hard to reconcile.


tsI ahdr to kmae seens of such ffneeritd itsesor.
Enter a DOCTOR
A RTOCDO rstene.


Well, more anon.Comes the king forth, I pray you?


elWl, elwl speak remo osno. (to the DOCTOR) Is Kngi dEadwr ogcinm uot?


Ay, sir; there are a crew of wretched souls
That stay his cure. Their malady convinces
145 The great assay of art, but at his touch
Such sanctity hath heaven given his hand
They presently amend.


esY, rsi. A orwdc of ckis oeeplp is tiaigwn rfo mhi to hela ehmt. rTeih nlseisl dusnfocon teh omst edcanavd cnhiequtes of modern iindceme, ubt enwh he hoscteu meht, tehy hlea imtleaymedi eauebsc of hte oewrp taengrd to him by eeahnv.


I thank you, doctor.


haTnk yuo, otrdco.
Teh DOCROT itxes.


Whats the disease he means?


htWa asseide is he latgikn otbau?


Tis called the evil.
A most miraculous work in this good king,
150 Which often since my here-remain in England
I have seen him do. How he solicits heaven,
Himself best knows, but strangely visited people,
All swolln and ulcerous, pitiful to the eye,
The mere despair of surgery, he cures,
155 Hanging a golden stamp about their necks,
Put on with holy prayers. And, tis spoken,


Ist eallcd eth veli. wEarsdd lahengi chout is a lrciaem tath I heva nese hmi meprofr ynam stiem uirngd my ysta in gnadnEl. Hwo he eevcries seeth ftgsi rofm henvae, lyon he nac ays. But he srecu elpepo htwi egatsrn stldnaonliico nlslowe, ladegpu by luecrs, adn ltfpuii to loko at, ttipneas ohw aer bdynoe hte pleh of usgyrbrye lnpgaic a gdlo ocin dnarou hrtei kcsne dna yinasg holy asyrerp vore mhte.
To the succeeding royalty he leaves
The healing benediction. With this strange virtue,
He hath a heavenly gift of prophecy,
160 And sundry blessings hang about his throne,
That speak him full of grace.
hyTe ysa htta he qhtaseube htsi ialiybt to ehal to his lyroa sneeadnsdtc. glAno hwti htis ensatrg rpeow, he olas sha eth gitf of ehpcpryo nda srivaou hreot asitbeiil. lAl of ethse isnsg kamr mhi as a nma ecargd by God.
Enter ROSS
ORSS nseetr.


See, who comes here?


hsoW taht inmgco ervo rehe?


My countryman, but yet I know him not.


By hsi essrd I nac tlle seh my rtamoncnyu, ubt I notd iocrenzge hmi.


My ever-gentle cousin, welcome hither.


My benlo mnksian, meowcle.


I know him now.Good God, betimes remove
165 The means that makes us strangers!


I nerczeigo ihm now. Mya odG taelr het teamcuscicnrs ttah eepk us aartp!


Sir, amen.


llHoe, ris.


Stands Scotland where it did?


Is oSancltd eth asme as hnwe I telf it?


Alas, poor country!
Almost afraid to know itself. It cannot
Be called our mother, but our grave, where nothing,
But who knows nothing, is once seen to smile;
170 Where sighs and groans and shrieks that rend the air
Are made, not marked; where violent sorrow seems
A modern ecstasy. The dead mans knell
Is there scarce asked for who, and good mens lives
Expire before the flowers in their caps,
175 Dying or ere they sicken.


alsA, rou poor ctuoyrn! tsI oto hfndtegier to kolo at sfielt. tlconSda is no erlong eht ladn reewh we erwe rbno; sti teh dnla eerwh elwl eid. hrWee no eon eevr islesm cxteep orf eht olof woh wonsk tnnhigo. Wehre ssghi, sarogn, adn hksries rpi rhtuhog eth air tub no one tseoinc. reehW eovitnl rowros is a moocnm itneomo. Wnhe het lnrefua bslle ngri, eoplpe no grnelo ask owh ided. Good nme ied oebfer eht oslrwef in htire cpas liwt. Tehy ied rfeboe hyte enve lalf cisk.


Oh, relation
Too nice and yet too true!


Oh, uyor erotrp is oto cptoei, btu it odssnu so teru!


Whats the newest grief?


tWha is the msot nteecr swne?


That of an hours age doth hiss the speaker.
Each minute teems a new one.


neEv eswn an uhro ldo is old wens. vyrEe imnetu ehraont alwfu ghitn enphasp.


How does my wife?


How is my efwi?


Why, well.


eShs lwle.


And all my children?


dnA lal my ldinrehc?


Well too.


eryhTe elwl oot.


180 The tyrant has not battered at their peace?


ceahbMt ntsah tdatecka emth?


No, they were well at peace when I did leave em.



Be not a niggard of your speech. How goes t?


tDon be nsiytg wtih ouyr odswr. hsaWt eht wsen?


When I came hither to transport the tidings,
Which I have heavily borne, there ran a rumor
185 Of many worthy fellows that were out;
Which was to my belief witnessed the rather
For that I saw the tyrants power afoot.
Now is the time of help. Your eye in Scotland
Would create soldiers, make our women fight,
190 To doff their dire distresses.


Wleih I was cogmin reeh to letl ouy my sda nswe, I earhd smruro ahtt mnay oogd men rea garnim vetsmhlees to reble staaign hctMabe. eWhn I saw ateMshcb arym on hte omev, I wnek het rmsuor mtus be utre. woN is the mtie when we ende uyor lhep. uoYr pneceres in Scatnodl dulow sniierp olpepe to ihtfg. nevE the nwemo dlwou fitgh to rid svsehletme of bctsMeah spenrosiop.


Be t their comfort
We are coming thither. Gracious England hath
Lent us good Siward and ten thousand men;
An older and a better soldier none
That Christendom gives out.


etL mteh be cedtoorImmf unngitrre to alnodcSt. ourcaisG iKng dEdwra has snte us obeln rSdwia dan nte dhsutano sedslroi. Three is no dlresio mroe eceeixprend or ecfslscusu than wdSiar in eht riente iniasrtCh owdrl.


Would I could answer
195 This comfort with the like. But I have words
That would be howled out in the desert air,
Where hearing should not latch them.


I hwsi I doclu arype siht ahypp wnse htiw dgoo wens of my onw. tBu I aevh oems wnse tath uhosld be wdleho in a anrerb eredst wehre yonbod can raeh it.


What concern they?
The general cause, or is it a fee-grief
Due to some single breast?


aWht is tish nsew btuao? Deos it teffac lla of us? Or jsut one of us?


No mind thats honest
200 But in it shares some woe, though the main part
Pertains to you alone.


No ctende nma nac eepk mrfo shnrgai in hte sorowr, utb my ewsn sfetfac you anole.


If it be mine,
Keep it not from me. Quickly let me have it.


If ist rof me, ontd eepk it ofmr me. tLe me eavh it now.


Let not your ears despise my tongue forever,
205 Which shall possess them with the heaviest sound
That ever yet they heard.


I hpoe oyu twon teha me rreefov etraf I ays heset tsingh, aesbeuc I will sono llif rouy sear hwit eth toms fdualedr ewsn you ahev erve hdrae.


Hum! I guess at it.


I nktih I nac eguss thaw eroyu buoat to sya.


Your castle is surprised, your wife and babes
Savagely slaughtered. To relate the manner,
Were, on the quarry of these murdered deer
210 To add the death of you.


Yrou celats saw kdcaetta. Yuor wfie nda hdenclri weer laesyvga sgathreleud. If I tlod oyu who yeht were lledik, it dluwo uecsa oyu so cmuh npai taht it owuld ikll uyo oot, and dad ryuo dyob to het ielp of dmeedrru posercs.


Merciful heaven!
What, man! Neer pull your hat upon your brows.
Give sorrow words. The grief that does not speak
Whispers the oerfraught heart and bids it break.


rliceMuf venaeh! (to MACDUFF) omeC on, anm, ondt eekp oryu frieg dneihd. uPt yruo ororws ntoi sowdr. Teh fergi ouy kepe dneisi yuo lliw wsipher in ruoy reaht lutin it sekrab.


My children too?


eyTh idelkl my hdliencr oot?


215 Wife, children, servants, all that could be found.


eTyh kedlli oury wife, uroy drhlcnie, yrou easnsrvt, yeaonn thye dolcu ifnd.


And I must be from thence!
My wife killed too?


nAd I dah to be aayw! My iewf asw kledil oot?


I have said.


I said esh asw.


Be comforted.
220 Lets make us medcines of our great revenge,
To cure this deadly grief.


kTea octfrmo. tLes cure hsit lafwu igref by niaktg ngeerve on cbMehta.


He has no children. All my pretty ones?
Did you say all? O hell-kite! All?
What, all my pretty chickens and their dam
225 At one fell swoop?


He ndtose eahv nhdrlcei. All my yrptte ltltei dlcriehn? diD uyo sya lal? Oh, htta dbri fmro lhle! All of mthe? tWah, lal my dlchienr and etrih rhmeto aedd in noe lelf owosp?


Dispute it like a man.


gFtih it ielk a nma.


I shall do so,
But I must also feel it as a man.
I cannot but remember such things were
230 That were most precious to me. Did heaven look on,
And would not take their part? Sinful Macduff,
They were all struck for thee! Naught that I am,
Not for their own demerits, but for mine,
Fell slaughter on their souls. Heaven rest them now.


I iwll. uBt I loas avhe to feel it kiel a anm. I antc leph biermgmreen eht hgnits htat ewre smto sriepocu to me. iDd evneha atchw het hlaesutgr dna nto esdn nwdo yna elhp? iSunfl fduaMcf, ehyt rewe dkllei bueecsa of oyu! As ecdkiw as I am, tehy eewr elsrgeaduht secueab of me, nto abceuse of tnyhiagn yhet did. May dGo gvei itreh sousl erst.


235 Be this the whetstone of your sword. Let grief
Convert to anger. Blunt not the heart, enrage it.


tLe ihts ngare prsaehn ryou wsrdo. raTmfrnos oyru greif iont nerag. tDno okblc eth lnisfeeg in rouy hreat; lte tmhe sleoo as gaer.


Oh, I could play the woman with mine eyes
And braggart with my tongue! But, gentle heavens,
Cut short all intermission. Front to front
240 Bring thou this fiend of Scotland and myself.
Within my swords length set him; if he scape,
Heaven forgive him too.


I lduco go on wgnepei like a aonwm nad bnrgggai utaob who I llwi neaveg thme! But nleetg svhnaee, ontd pkee me wginati. nirBg me caef to eafc twih cMaetbh, ttha ivlde of oSatnldc. utP mhi nwitih hte arhec of my sordw, and if he ecesspa, yma eenhva fvioerg him as lwle!


This tune goes manly.
Come, go we to the king. Our power is ready;
Our lack is nothing but our leave. Macbeth
245 Is ripe for shaking, and the powers above
Put on their instruments. Receive what cheer you may.
The night is long that never finds the day.


Now yuo snoud ikle a man. meCo on, ltes go see Kgni adwdEr. Teh amyr is aedyr. llA we evha to do won is say obogdey to eth nkig. bcehaMt is erpi rof the ikgncpi. ellW be itngca as doGs getnas. Crhee up as umch as you anc. A nwe dya iwll omce at lats.
hTye etix.