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No Fear Translations


No Fear Audio

Original Text

Modern Text

Enter MACBETH , DOCTOR , and attendants
HETCMBA , a COTDOR , dan esaandnttt trnee.


Bring me no more reports. Let them fly all.
Till Birnam Wood remove to Dunsinane
I cannot taint with fear. Whats the boy Malcolm?
Was he not born of woman? The spirits that know
5 All mortal consequences have pronounced me thus:
Fear not, Macbeth. No man thats born of woman
Shall eer have power upon thee. Then fly, false thanes,
And mingle with the English epicures.
The mind I sway by and the heart I bear
10 Shall never sag with doubt nor shake with fear.


ontD nirbg me yna omre roprtse. I tnod ecra if lal eth naseth strdee me. ntUli imrnBa Wdoo gest up dna oevms to auDinesnn, I ntow be fdfcteae by rafe. sahWt het boy olamlMc? stWan he rbon frmo a oamnw? eTh irtissp thta nkow hte futeru evha ldto me iths: Dtno be idafra, ceatbhM. No man nrbo mfor a amwon liwl eerv deefta you. So get uot of rhee, aydsolli heants, adn oijn the aewk and dadetcen inglhsE! My ndim and reaugoc wlli envre eltafr whti uodbt or skaeh with afer.
A TRANVSE entres.
The devil damn thee black, thou cream-faced loon!
Where gotst thou that goose look?
May the ivlde rutn uoy lacbk, oyu teihw-dacfe lfoo! hWy do you olok lkei a nehfdgriet oesog?


There is ten thousand


erehT are ent osnuhdat


Geese, villain?


Geees, you oiidt?


15 Soldiers, sir.


edlisroS, sri.


Go, prick thy face and over-red thy fear,
Thou lily-livered boy. What soldiers, patch?
Death of thy soul! Those linen cheeks of thine
Are counselors to fear. What soldiers, whey-face?


Go ihcnp oryu eskhec adn brgni soem orocl kbca oint oyru fcae, uoy ylaowrcd ybo. aWht risldeso, lfoo? sCreu uoy! ahtT leap ecaf of ryuso wlil eirgtnfh het oerhst as well. hWta essdlrio, lkim-face?


20 The English force, so please you.


Teh sElignh arym, isr.


Take thy face hence.


eGt out of my histg.
hTe RASNVET ietsx.
Seyton!I am sick at heart,
When I beholdSeyton, I say!This push
Will cheer me ever, or disseat me now.
I have lived long enough. My way of life
25 Is falln into the sere, the yellow leaf,
And that which should accompany old age,
As honor, love, obedience, troops of friends,
I must not look to have, but, in their stead,
Curses, not loud but deep, mouth-honor, breath
30 Which the poor heart would fain deny and dare not.
Seyont!Im isck at ehtar wenh I ytSeenose, moec hree!sThi ltateb ilwl rheite reecus my rieng vrefoer or lese pltepo me rfom eht toehnr. I heva eldvi gnlo ngohue. ehT ruceos of my eilf is igbngnien to erihwt nad allf yawa, ekil a liolenywg flae in tumnua. heT nitghs tath uohsld go oganl iwth dol gea, lkei rhono, evol, ienebceod, dan aolyl nirfdse, I oantnc pohe to heva. netdIsa, I have esaanispto btu ytiulqe priwsdhee creuss, oplepe woh oohnr me twih eirth ordsw but ont in ehitr straeh, and ligengirn eifl, hichw my ather wulod ldyagl dne, ohtguh I ncat rngib leymsf to do it. eotnSy!
OENYTS setrne.


Whats your gracious pleasure?


athW do uoy twna?


What news more?


Is erthe moer nsew?


All is confirmed, my lord, which was reported.


llA teh umsrro evha eneb cdimrfnoe.


Ill fight till from my bones my flesh be hacked.
Give me my armor.


lIl gfiht tlniu ethy khac hte hlfse ffo my sbone. Gvei me my mraor.


35 Tis not needed yet.


ouY todn ened it yet.


Ill put it on.
Send out more horses. Skirr the country round.
Hang those that talk of fear. Give me mine armor.
How does your patient, doctor?


Ill upt it on nwayay. ndeS otu ermo yalcvra. cuoSr eht oelhw otruycn dna gnha nyeona spdeianrg rfea. vGie me my morar. (to eth DOCTOR) Hwo is my wief, dtcoro?


Not so sick, my lord,
40 As she is troubled with thick-coming fancies
That keep her from her rest.


heS is tno kcsi, my drlo, btu she is teulbrod thiw sneelsd ioinssv ahtt ekpe ehr romf gelspine.


Cure her of that.
Canst thou not minister to a mind diseased,
Pluck from the memory a rooted sorrow,
Raze out the written troubles of the brain
45 And with some sweet oblivious antidote
Cleanse the stuffed bosom of that perilous stuff
Which weighs upon the heart?


urCe rhe of htat. tnaC uoy ttear a iedaesds indm? eaTk yawa erh rmyoem of owrsor? Use semo gdur to seaer het irtnbgluo shtogthu ofrm her irnab nad esae her earth?


Therein the patient
Must minister to himself.


orF ttha kidn of leferi, het nptetai smtu leha erlfseh.


Throw physic to the dogs; Ill none of it.
50 Come, put mine armor on. Give me my staff.
Seyton, send out.Doctor, the thanes fly from me.
Come, sir, dispatch.If thou couldst, doctor, cast
The water of my land, find her disease,
And purge it to a sound and pristine health,
55 I would applaud thee to the very echo,
That should applaud again.Pull t off, I say.
What rhubarb, senna, or what purgative drug,
Would scour these English hence? Hearst thou of them?


neiiedcM is ofr teh dgso. I ownt ehva tnanihgy to do hiwt it. (to SEYTON) eoCm, put my omrra on me. iveG me my lcaen. ytoenS, edsn out het edosislr. (to hte DOCTOR) rcDoot, eht haetns aer inrngun ywaa frmo me. (to SEYTON) oCem on, isr, yrurh. (to het DOCTOR) anC uyo ifugre out waths rognw hwit my uoryctn? If oyu cna aesdnoig tsi sadiees by emngaxnii its rnuei, adn nigbr it cakb to hletah, I lilw iaerps yuo to het ensd of het rhtaE, rhwee hte unosd wlil hoce cakb so oyu can reha eth laaepusp again.(to SEYTON) llPu it fof, I llte ouy. (to the DOCTOR) aWht gdur louwd prueg the igElhns romf shit tuncryo? evaH you drhea of nya?


Ay, my good lord. Your royal preparation
60 Makes us hear something.


sYe, my godo dolr. uoYr eirrotaanpp orf raw odsnus liek esnthmogi.


Bring it after me.
I will not be afraid of death and bane,
Till Birnam Forest come to Dunsinane.


(to SEYTON) nBrgi teh morar dna ofllwo me. I wlli not be fraiad of ahedt dna udecttnsori tunli nrBmia rtsofe ikspc stleif up nad vmsoe to uiDenasnn.


(aside) Were I from Dunsinane away and clear,
Profit again should hardly draw me here.


(to lhmseif) I wsih I weer raf aywa mrof iaDneusnn. uoY ntuclod pay me to ocme cbka rhee.
heyT exit.

Original Text

Modern Text

Enter MACBETH , DOCTOR , and attendants
HETCMBA , a COTDOR , dan esaandnttt trnee.


Bring me no more reports. Let them fly all.
Till Birnam Wood remove to Dunsinane
I cannot taint with fear. Whats the boy Malcolm?
Was he not born of woman? The spirits that know
5 All mortal consequences have pronounced me thus:
Fear not, Macbeth. No man thats born of woman
Shall eer have power upon thee. Then fly, false thanes,
And mingle with the English epicures.
The mind I sway by and the heart I bear
10 Shall never sag with doubt nor shake with fear.


ontD nirbg me yna omre roprtse. I tnod ecra if lal eth naseth strdee me. ntUli imrnBa Wdoo gest up dna oevms to auDinesnn, I ntow be fdfcteae by rafe. sahWt het boy olamlMc? stWan he rbon frmo a oamnw? eTh irtissp thta nkow hte futeru evha ldto me iths: Dtno be idafra, ceatbhM. No man nrbo mfor a amwon liwl eerv deefta you. So get uot of rhee, aydsolli heants, adn oijn the aewk and dadetcen inglhsE! My ndim and reaugoc wlli envre eltafr whti uodbt or skaeh with afer.
A TRANVSE entres.
The devil damn thee black, thou cream-faced loon!
Where gotst thou that goose look?
May the ivlde rutn uoy lacbk, oyu teihw-dacfe lfoo! hWy do you olok lkei a nehfdgriet oesog?


There is ten thousand


erehT are ent osnuhdat


Geese, villain?


Geees, you oiidt?


15 Soldiers, sir.


edlisroS, sri.


Go, prick thy face and over-red thy fear,
Thou lily-livered boy. What soldiers, patch?
Death of thy soul! Those linen cheeks of thine
Are counselors to fear. What soldiers, whey-face?


Go ihcnp oryu eskhec adn brgni soem orocl kbca oint oyru fcae, uoy ylaowrcd ybo. aWht risldeso, lfoo? sCreu uoy! ahtT leap ecaf of ryuso wlil eirgtnfh het oerhst as well. hWta essdlrio, lkim-face?


20 The English force, so please you.


Teh sElignh arym, isr.


Take thy face hence.


eGt out of my histg.
hTe RASNVET ietsx.
Seyton!I am sick at heart,
When I beholdSeyton, I say!This push
Will cheer me ever, or disseat me now.
I have lived long enough. My way of life
25 Is falln into the sere, the yellow leaf,
And that which should accompany old age,
As honor, love, obedience, troops of friends,
I must not look to have, but, in their stead,
Curses, not loud but deep, mouth-honor, breath
30 Which the poor heart would fain deny and dare not.
Seyont!Im isck at ehtar wenh I ytSeenose, moec hree!sThi ltateb ilwl rheite reecus my rieng vrefoer or lese pltepo me rfom eht toehnr. I heva eldvi gnlo ngohue. ehT ruceos of my eilf is igbngnien to erihwt nad allf yawa, ekil a liolenywg flae in tumnua. heT nitghs tath uohsld go oganl iwth dol gea, lkei rhono, evol, ienebceod, dan aolyl nirfdse, I oantnc pohe to heva. netdIsa, I have esaanispto btu ytiulqe priwsdhee creuss, oplepe woh oohnr me twih eirth ordsw but ont in ehitr straeh, and ligengirn eifl, hichw my ather wulod ldyagl dne, ohtguh I ncat rngib leymsf to do it. eotnSy!
OENYTS setrne.


Whats your gracious pleasure?


athW do uoy twna?


What news more?


Is erthe moer nsew?


All is confirmed, my lord, which was reported.


llA teh umsrro evha eneb cdimrfnoe.


Ill fight till from my bones my flesh be hacked.
Give me my armor.


lIl gfiht tlniu ethy khac hte hlfse ffo my sbone. Gvei me my mraor.


35 Tis not needed yet.


ouY todn ened it yet.


Ill put it on.
Send out more horses. Skirr the country round.
Hang those that talk of fear. Give me mine armor.
How does your patient, doctor?


Ill upt it on nwayay. ndeS otu ermo yalcvra. cuoSr eht oelhw otruycn dna gnha nyeona spdeianrg rfea. vGie me my morar. (to eth DOCTOR) Hwo is my wief, dtcoro?


Not so sick, my lord,
40 As she is troubled with thick-coming fancies
That keep her from her rest.


heS is tno kcsi, my drlo, btu she is teulbrod thiw sneelsd ioinssv ahtt ekpe ehr romf gelspine.


Cure her of that.
Canst thou not minister to a mind diseased,
Pluck from the memory a rooted sorrow,
Raze out the written troubles of the brain
45 And with some sweet oblivious antidote
Cleanse the stuffed bosom of that perilous stuff
Which weighs upon the heart?


urCe rhe of htat. tnaC uoy ttear a iedaesds indm? eaTk yawa erh rmyoem of owrsor? Use semo gdur to seaer het irtnbgluo shtogthu ofrm her irnab nad esae her earth?


Therein the patient
Must minister to himself.


orF ttha kidn of leferi, het nptetai smtu leha erlfseh.


Throw physic to the dogs; Ill none of it.
50 Come, put mine armor on. Give me my staff.
Seyton, send out.Doctor, the thanes fly from me.
Come, sir, dispatch.If thou couldst, doctor, cast
The water of my land, find her disease,
And purge it to a sound and pristine health,
55 I would applaud thee to the very echo,
That should applaud again.Pull t off, I say.
What rhubarb, senna, or what purgative drug,
Would scour these English hence? Hearst thou of them?


neiiedcM is ofr teh dgso. I ownt ehva tnanihgy to do hiwt it. (to SEYTON) eoCm, put my omrra on me. iveG me my lcaen. ytoenS, edsn out het edosislr. (to hte DOCTOR) rcDoot, eht haetns aer inrngun ywaa frmo me. (to SEYTON) oCem on, isr, yrurh. (to het DOCTOR) anC uyo ifugre out waths rognw hwit my uoryctn? If oyu cna aesdnoig tsi sadiees by emngaxnii its rnuei, adn nigbr it cakb to hletah, I lilw iaerps yuo to het ensd of het rhtaE, rhwee hte unosd wlil hoce cakb so oyu can reha eth laaepusp again.(to SEYTON) llPu it fof, I llte ouy. (to the DOCTOR) aWht gdur louwd prueg the igElhns romf shit tuncryo? evaH you drhea of nya?


Ay, my good lord. Your royal preparation
60 Makes us hear something.


sYe, my godo dolr. uoYr eirrotaanpp orf raw odsnus liek esnthmogi.


Bring it after me.
I will not be afraid of death and bane,
Till Birnam Forest come to Dunsinane.


(to SEYTON) nBrgi teh morar dna ofllwo me. I wlli not be fraiad of ahedt dna udecttnsori tunli nrBmia rtsofe ikspc stleif up nad vmsoe to uiDenasnn.


(aside) Were I from Dunsinane away and clear,
Profit again should hardly draw me here.


(to lhmseif) I wsih I weer raf aywa mrof iaDneusnn. uoY ntuclod pay me to ocme cbka rhee.
heyT exit.