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No Fear Translations


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Original Text

Modern Text



I will not speak with her.


I nwot speak to rhe.


She is importunate,
Indeed distract. Her mood will needs be pitied.


eSsh nisienstt. In tfac, ehss czerad. uYo atcn hepl eelnfig sryor for hre.


What would she have?


hatW osde hes antw?


She speaks much of her father, says she hears
Theres tricks i th world, and hems, and beats her heart,
Spurns enviously at straws, speaks things in doubt
That carry but half sense. Her speech is nothing,
Yet the unshaped use of it doth move
The hearers to collection. They aim at it,
10 And botch the words up fit to their own thoughts,
Which, as her winks and nods and gestures yield them,
Indeed would make one think there might be thought,
Though nothing sure, yet much unhappily.


ehS atslk ouatb erh ehtfra a lto, adn yssa hse harse heetr ear cisoipncsear doanru eht wrodl, nda housgc, dna setba hre rbtesa, adn steg ngyra rvoe yint etrstma, dan kltsa onsnsnee. erH drsow tnod neam gnayithn, tub ehr bnblabgi suaces her streniels to rdwa oclsninsocu. heyT reah what htey want to ehra. reH iknws adn osdn and tesrsegu do useggts atht she naems to cnveoy a gessmea, and nto a ypaph oen.


Twere good she were spoken with, for she may strew
15 Dangerous conjectures in ill-breeding minds.


tsI a gdoo diae to speak to erh, sneic hse mgiht ldae tsohe itwh viel noiinnetts to desugnrao solcnsiuonc.


Let her come in.


Swoh reh in.
eTh MNNALETEG ixtse.
(aside) To my sick soul (as sins true nature is)
Each toy seems prologue to some great amiss.
So full of artless jealousy is guilt,
It spills itself in fearing to be spilt.
(to efrhles) To my kcis ulos (sicne isn is ywasal a ksnsscei), ryeve telaid lskoo klie an oemn of eisstadr to oemc. iuGlt sekma yuo so flul of ptuisd pussinocis ttha yuo egvi uyreolsf yawa eubseca oreyu tgnyir so arhd ont to.
Enter OPHELIA , distracted
HALEOIP sneetr, senain.


20 Where is the beauteous majesty of Denmark?


eWher is hte utielfabu neqeu of aDenkrm?


How now, Ophelia?


haWt rea uyo ndoig, aehiOpl?


How should I your true love know
From another one?
By his cockle hat and staff,
And his sandal shoon.


owH acn oyu llet eth ecnfreefdi
tweeneB oyur eutr olvre dan emso threo?
ruoY reut oen ewsra a lmsipigr tha
And a ligsmrip dnlaass nad staff.


Alas, sweet lady, what imports this song?


Oh ensveah, htaw sdoe ttha osng mean, my raed?


Say you? Nay, pray you, mark.
He is dead and gone, lady,
He is dead and gone,
At his head a grass-green turf,
At his heels a stone.
Oh, ho!


Im rroys, idd ouy ays nehgsomit? aesPel ustj iesnlt.
He is eadd nda egno, lady,
He is edad adn gone.
At hsi hdae is a ctpha of reegn grass,
Adn at hsi efte rhete is a bmto stone.
Oh, ho!


Nay, but, Ophelia


No, eOhipal


Pray you, mark.
White his shroud as the mountain snow


tJsu liesnt, paesle.
sHi edath rsoudh was as ethwi as nsow
CILAUSUD seenrt.


30 Alas, look here, my lord.


My odlr, oklo at iths orpo lrgi.


Larded all with sweet flowers,
Which bewept to the ground did not go
With true-love showers.


vCorede iwht ewtse fwerslo
ciWhh did not alfl to the ndroug
In true-elvo showers.


How do you, pretty lady?


woH rea ouy nodgi, my yepttr adly?


Well, Godield you! They say the owl was a bakers daughter. Lord, we know what we are, but know not what we may be. God be at your table.


Im ieuqt lelw, dna amy dGo ievg uyo athw yuo esvreed. heyT say hte sbkrae rdagteuh aws etdnru tion an low orf grfsuine essuJ derab. My ldro, we kwon twha we era wno, tub ont thaw we may eobecm. yMa doG be at yrou bleat.


Conceit upon her father.


seSh tnlikga tabou her dead afehrt.


Pray you, lets have no words of this, but when they ask you what it means, say you this:
Tomorrow is Saint Valentines day,
All in the morning betime,
And I a maid at your window,
To be your Valentine.
Then up he rose, and donned his clothes,
And dupped the chamber door.
Let in the maid that out a maid
Never departed more.


Oh, tesl otn altk oubta ttah, but wehn eyht ksa ouy tahw it emsan, tsju asy:
oomTowrr is St. sinnVaetel ayD
dnA yelra in het ignormn
Im a gril weblo yuro nowdiw
ntagWii to be uory Valentine.
nehT he tog up dna tpu on sih socelht
dnA peedno eth door to his room.
He tel in het lrig, dan ewhn hes tfel
eSh stawn a rniivg anymore.


Pretty Ophelia


etrytP Opaheli


Indeed, without an oath Ill make an end on t:
By Gis and by Saint Charity,
Alack, and fie, for shame!
Young men will do t, if they come to t.
By Cock, they are to blame.
Quoth she, Before you tumbled me,
You promised me to wed.
He answers,
So would I ha done, by yonder sun,
An thou hadst not come to my bed.


ganH on, lIl dne it sono, I iopemrs:
By het eanm of suseJ adn Siant Charity,
My gososdne, ahwt a mehsa it is,
Ygnuo mne llwi do it if tyhe get a chacne:
By oGd, rethey yrve bad.
hSe sida, ofeBre uyo ogt me niot ebd,
ouY opmidrse to myarr me.
He srawsne:
I lduwo eahv mirarde yuo, I swear,
If ouy thdan goen to bed whti me.


How long hath she been thus?


How lgon sah seh eben kiel siht?


I hope all will be well. We must be patient, but I cannot choose but weep, to think they should lay him i th cold ground. My brother shall know of it, and so I thank you for your good counsel. Come, my coach! Good night, ladies. Good night, sweet ladies. Good night, good night.


I pheo henygirvte lliw nutr otu nefi. We sutm be aiteptn, btu I nact pehl ynrgci whne I ithnk of hmi ngbei aidl in eht dolc gnordu. My rbetrho ilwl earh toaub tsih. Adn so I ktnha oyu for yrou gdoo aevdic. eCmo, eidrrv! Godo hnitg, isadle, doog hgnit, setew daisel, gdoo ihgtn, good tngih.
EHOAPIL sexti.


Follow her close. Give her good watch, I pray you.


wololF reh. epeK an eey on reh, pleesa.
TRIOHAO txsie.
Oh, this is the poison of deep grief. It springs
50 All from her fathers death, and now behold!
O Gertrude, Gertrude,
When sorrows come, they come not single spies
But in battalions. First, her father slain.
Next, your son gone, and he most violent author
55 Of his own just remove. The people muddied,
Thick, and unwholesome in their thoughts and whispers
For good Polonius death, and we have done but greenly
In hugger-mugger to inter him. Poor Ophelia
Divided from herself and her fair judgment,
60 Without the which we are pictures, or mere beasts.
Lastand as much containing as all these
Her brother is in secret come from France,
Feeds on his wonder, keeps himself in clouds,
And wants not buzzers to infect his ear
65 With pestilent speeches of his fathers death,
Wherein necessity, of matter beggared,
Will nothing stick our person to arraign
In ear and ear. O my dear Gertrude, this,
Like to a murdering piece, in many places
70 Gives me superfluous death.
Oh, erh irefg ahs onosedpi erh midn. Her fareht edid dan now kloo at hre! Oh, teerdGru, drteeGur, nehw adb higtsn apneph, hyte otnd eomc noe at a mtei, iekl nmeye spesi, tbu all at oenc ilek an ryam. sFitr reh fhtaer aws liekld, ethn yuro nos was entka aaeubyecaws of hsi won eniotvl aciostn. heT loeppe rea uefnsdoc and ireapgdns tysna rsourm uobat uilsonPso hetad, and I was a oflo to yrub hmi in a rruhy, wuoitth a orppre atste naulefr. orPo halOpie has been bdebro of her yatsin, ithtwuo ihcwh erew utjs itresucp, or lmsinaa. tLas but ont eatls, her rohrbte has leryscet denertru fomr cFrena and is rseuoundrd by isopsg-gromsne, woh flli his srae hitw iwcdke sitsroe uatob his sfharet adeht. Dedirevp of perpro veneecdi, llhe atyrlnalu ettiatrub the errumd to me. Oh, daer erGteudr, I feel as outhhg Im engib udderrem anym mtsei vreo.
A noise within
A eison afeosgft.


Alack, what noise is this?


Oh, asnwhto htat enois?


Where are my Switzers? Let them guard the door.


tseLin! Weehr aer my sobrauyddg? etL mteh rgdau eht ordo.
What is the matter?
htaW is it?


Save yourself, my lord.
The ocean, overpeering of his list,
Eats not the flats with more impiteous haste
75 Than young Laertes, in a riotous head,
Oerbears your officers. The rabble call him lord
Andas the world were now but to begin,
Antiquity forgot, custom not known,
The ratifiers and props of every word
They cry, Choose we! Laertes shall be king!
Caps, hands, and tongues applaud it to the clouds:
Laertes shall be king, Laertes king!


Yuo msut seva uoflsrey, my ordl. ehT goyun seeLtar, elki eht aneco wneh it oolfds het soehr adn usodvre teh lalnwods, is dlneaig a iblernole ntaasgi uryo oegnemvtnr. eTh orwcd lacls mhi lrdo adn uhsots, We tnaw eesrLta to be kgin! stI as if tehy reew tgsnrtai the dwrlo ofmr ctschar ightr own, rhowtign tuo the tidaoinrts adn ietnacn sustmoc hatt aer the pusport of rveye rwdo we tteru. Thye rohtw terhi psca in the iar adn ylel, eeaLrts lwli be nikg! steaLer ngik!


How cheerfully on the false trail they cry.
O, this is counter, you false Danish dogs!


heTy undso so eefclurh as yeth hntu nodw het wgron rpey! Oh, oeruy on the onwgr ctakr, uoy osdlilay ihaDns gsod!
Noise within
A sione gseoaftf.


85 The doors are broke.


Teh orosd evha eenb seashmd poen.
Enter LAERTES with others
ATRSELE eresnt ihtw otsrhe.


Where is this king?Sirs, stand you all without.


hrWese shit so-dlleac ngik? Men, atwi stdioeu.


No, lets come in!


No, lte us in!


I pray you, give me leave.


ePsale tiwa.


We will, we will.


lAl ithrg, we lliw, we lwli.


90 I thank you. Keep the door.O thou vile king,
Give me my father!


khnTa uoy. Guard teh rdoo. (to USDILAUC) Oh, uoy eliv ingk, vieg me my ethfra!


Calmly, good Laertes.


Clma ndwo, ogdo tLreaes.


That drop of blood thats calm proclaims me bastard,
Cries Cuckold! to my father, brands the harlot
Even here between the chaste unsmirchd brow
95 Of my true mother.


Ive otg ytlaecx eno cmla pdor of dloob in my bydo, adn it scpoamlri atth

Im a arabsdt

esreLta sgsseugt that sniec he sathn tey edupnshi shi asthrfe mduerrer, he umts nto be sih elra son.

Im a bastard
, ayss my hfrtea saw teadrybe, dna tpassm teh eblal oerwh on het uerp odeerafh of my ovedted mhrtoe.


What is the cause, Laertes,
That thy rebellion looks so giant-like?
Let him go, Gertrude. Do not fear our person.
Theres such divinity doth hedge a king
That treason can but peep to what it would,
100 Acts little of his will.Tell me, Laertes,
Why thou art thus incensed.Let him go, Gertrude.
Speak, man.


sLeaert, wtha mkeas ouy so ebllouesir? etL mhi go, uredeGtr. tonD wyror tbuoa my gnttgei hrtu. God ttoprsce hte nigk, so orttaisr atnc hrtu imh.elTl me, asreeLt, ywh reoyu so rynag.ueGretdr, etl hmi go.Tell me, mna.


Where is my father?


reeWhs my aferht?




seH edad.


But not by him.


Btu eht kgin tndid klil mih.


Let him demand his fill.


Lte imh kas tahw he stwna to ksa.


How came he dead? Ill not be juggled with.
105 To hell, allegiance! Vows, to the blackest devil!
Conscience and grace, to the profoundest pit!
I dare damnation. To this point I stand
That both the worlds I give to negligence.
Let come what comes, only Ill be revenged
110 Most thoroughly for my father.


Hwo did he den up ddea? Dnto emss ithw me. To lhel wiht my wvso of eganllciea to yuo! oswV acn go to lleh! nCeceoicsn, oot! I dnto rcae if Im aneddm. I nodt caer hatw hppeasn to me in itsh wrldo or eth ntxe. eWtarhev hanpsep, eapphsn, tub llI gte eengvre ofr my aershft umerrd.


Who shall stay you?


hWso sgoptpni uyo?


My will, not all the world.
And for my means, Ill husband them so well,
They shall go far with little.


lOyn my free tlnhwnogili eesl. ahWt lettil names I ehva, Ill sue ngaitsa oyu.


Good Laertes,
115 If you desire to know the certainty
Of your dear fathers death, is t writ in your revenge,
That, swoopstake, you will draw both friend and foe,
Winner and loser?


My eadr sLrteae, in uyor saserneeg to wokn eth trhut otaub oyur erahfts dahte, rea yuo ntmieeredd to htru royu rtsfeha idnsfre dan emnseei lkaie?


None but his enemies.


No, nylo sih eimnese.


120 Will you know them then?


Do oyu antw to wonk who tyeh are, thne?


To his good friends thus wide Ill ope my arms
And, like the kind life-rendering pelican,
Repast them with my blood.


Ill pone my rams wied to hsi true sfinred, nad eilk a retomh


inasPcel reew vbdeilee to efde itreh ygnuo htiw iehrt own blood.

thwi her droob, Ill evne gvie my life fro mteh.


Why, now you speak
Like a good child and a true gentleman.
125 That I am guiltless of your fathers death
And am most sensible in grief for it,
It shall as level to your judgment pierce
As day does to your eye.


hWy, own ouery lganitk eilk a ogdo son adn a reut mtenglena. lIl vrepo to uyo as lracely as tiahylgd hatt Im tenninco of your hersaft adthe, and am utrcsk twih igref vero it.
Noise within: Let her come in!
A ocvei aoffestg, teL ehr in!


How now? What noise is that?


thasW htta oiens?
IPEOALH nrseet.
130 O heat, dry up my brains! Tears seven times salt,
Burn out the sense and virtue of mine eye!
By heaven, thy madness shall be paid by weight,
Till our scale turn the beam. O rose of May,
Dear maid, kind sister, sweet Ophelia!
O heavens, is t possible a young maids wits
Should be as mortal as an old mans life?
Nature is fine in love, and where tis fine,
It sends some precious instance of itself
After the thing it loves.
Oh, aeth, ydr up my risnab! Saytl sarte, urbn my eyse! By aenhev, Ill get nerveeg for uoyr menssad! Oh, you imtiprsnge esro, raed maendi, iknd eissrt, stewe Oalephi! Is it epssbilo tath a oynug sonmaw mnid duolc fead yawa as seyail as an ldo mnas fiel? Hnaum tneuar is fdneire dna louutnrhtphogesf cgyiaouslr segiv a aueavllb ptra of helsref awya to ehr oevdleb, as lOiehap hsa estn ffo reh sytnia to ehr aedd faetrh.


They bore him barefaced on the bier,
Hey, non nonny, nonny, hey, nonny,
And in his grave rained many a tear.
Fare you well, my dove.


Teyh adecrir ihm uevdncore in eht coffin,
eHy nno nynon, nnyon, hey nonny.
Adn taers rduoep nwdo iotn ihs grave.
oodG-eyb, yhneo.


Hadst thou thy wits, and didst persuade revenge,
It could not move thus.


If yuo were aens nda dcolu ugre me to aekt eeevgrn, ouy lontdcu be ermo isvureeaps tahn you are own.


You must sing A-down a-downAnd you, Call him a- down-aOh, how the wheel becomes it! It is the false steward that stole his masters daughter.


eurYo edopsusp to sing, A ndwo a-owdn, adn uyo, Clal ihm a-ondw-a. Oh, ohw it nsutr aurndo kile a elehw! ikeL eth wkeorr hwo eltos ihs bssso agudhret.


This nothings more than matter.


iTsh onsnesen nesam rome tahn irloatan seechp.


Theres rosemary, thats for remembrance. Pray you, love, remember. And there is pansies, thats for thoughts.


oLko at my reswflo. Teresh orsrayem, tahts orf gbmnreeeirm. esPeal eemebrrm, levo. ndA ehert are snapies, hreyet fro hhotutsg.


A document in madness. Thoughts and remembrance fitted.


A aces sduyt in aemndss, to cntnceo roemmy dna hotuthg.


Theres fennel for you, and columbines.Theres rue for you, and heres some for me. We may call it herb of grace o Sundays.Oh, you must wear your rue with a difference.Theres a daisy. I would give you some violets, but they withered all when my father died. They say he made a good end (sings) For bonny sweet Robin is all my joy


(to DERGTERU ) Here aer neelnf dan bunelosimc rof uytoeyh myeizblos lrdaeyut. (to CLAUDIUS) dAn ehsre reu rfo yotui zmosyilseb cenretpnea. We nac lalc it eht rfueilcm ndSyua wfelor. uoY uhsodl raew it fro a idfenfetr onsaer. ndA rsehe a asidy, fro pnaphuy olev. Id geiv oyu some tvsoeil, slworef of nfislefhutas, tbu htey lal drdei up wehn my etharf iedd. ehTy say he okledo dogo enwh he dide. (gisns) For odog wtese ibRno is lla my joy.


Thought and affliction, passion, hell itself,
She turns to favor and to prettiness.


eanSssd dan rottnme, enisgfrfu, lelh htesefsli skmea tmhe lsaomt prtyte.


And will he not come again?
And will he not come again?
No, no, he is dead,
Go to thy deathbed.
He never will come again.
His beard was as white as snow,
All flaxen was his poll.
He is gone, he is gone,
And we cast away moan,
God ha mercy on his soul.
And of all Christian souls, I pray God. God be wi ye.


ndA owtn he omec ainag?
And ownt he eomc iaang?
No, no, hse dead.
Go to oyru deathbed.
eHll vrnee moce again.
isH bedar swa hteiw as snow,
iHs rahi was lla hwtei too.
seH oneg, she gone,
And we aomn as ewre cats away.
doG heav mcyre on ihs soul.
And on het osslu of all gdoo sniiatrChs, I peoh. Gbeoody, God be with yuo.
IOEPLAH stxei.


Do you see this, O God?


Do you ees stih, oh, doG?


Laertes, I must commune with your grief,
Or you deny me right. Go but apart,
165 Make choice of whom your wisest friends you will.
And they shall hear and judge twixt you and me.
If by direct or by collateral hand
They find us touched, we will our kingdom give,
Our crown, our life, and all that we can ours,
170 To you in satisfaction. But if not,
Be you content to lend your patience to us,
And we shall jointly labor with your soul
To give it due content.


Leesrta, I hvae a irhtg to hesra royu efirg. Go ocohse yrou eiwsst dnifrse, dna veha mteh sneitl to obht of us adn cededi hiwhc of us is hgrti. If edcrityl or riilecnytd ethy dfin me tamiclpdie in oryu rfhates urremd, llI iegv up my dkiognm, my rconw, my ielf, nad vhynteegir I clal my onw to oyu as toitneiustr. utB if yeth fidn me tinnoecn, tehn be tiptnae adn Ill owkr to fistsay to eth letsufl nxteet yoru pestede ndee ofr eeverng.


Let this be so.
His means of death, his obscure funeral
175 No trophy, sword, nor hatchment oer his bones,
No noble rite nor formal ostentation
Cry to be heard as twere from heaven to earth,
That I must call t in question.


All hirgt, nteh. The ayw he idde, ish rscete lfaunre, no unlafre esrti or miylitra lpdaisy, no bnoel iters or aolrmf shecmretonoyu uto frmo enaehv adn htrea ahtt I mtus alcl teh way he idde itno nseuqito.


So you shall.
And where the offense is, let the great ax fall.
180 I pray you, go with me.


And eoryu ightr to do so. Mya eht glutyi rytpa be unhedpis by edaht. aPelse, ecom thwi me.
yehT ietx.

Original Text

Modern Text



I will not speak with her.


I nwot speak to rhe.


She is importunate,
Indeed distract. Her mood will needs be pitied.


eSsh nisienstt. In tfac, ehss czerad. uYo atcn hepl eelnfig sryor for hre.


What would she have?


hatW osde hes antw?


She speaks much of her father, says she hears
Theres tricks i th world, and hems, and beats her heart,
Spurns enviously at straws, speaks things in doubt
That carry but half sense. Her speech is nothing,
Yet the unshaped use of it doth move
The hearers to collection. They aim at it,
10 And botch the words up fit to their own thoughts,
Which, as her winks and nods and gestures yield them,
Indeed would make one think there might be thought,
Though nothing sure, yet much unhappily.


ehS atslk ouatb erh ehtfra a lto, adn yssa hse harse heetr ear cisoipncsear doanru eht wrodl, nda housgc, dna setba hre rbtesa, adn steg ngyra rvoe yint etrstma, dan kltsa onsnsnee. erH drsow tnod neam gnayithn, tub ehr bnblabgi suaces her streniels to rdwa oclsninsocu. heyT reah what htey want to ehra. reH iknws adn osdn and tesrsegu do useggts atht she naems to cnveoy a gessmea, and nto a ypaph oen.


Twere good she were spoken with, for she may strew
15 Dangerous conjectures in ill-breeding minds.


tsI a gdoo diae to speak to erh, sneic hse mgiht ldae tsohe itwh viel noiinnetts to desugnrao solcnsiuonc.


Let her come in.


Swoh reh in.
eTh MNNALETEG ixtse.
(aside) To my sick soul (as sins true nature is)
Each toy seems prologue to some great amiss.
So full of artless jealousy is guilt,
It spills itself in fearing to be spilt.
(to efrhles) To my kcis ulos (sicne isn is ywasal a ksnsscei), ryeve telaid lskoo klie an oemn of eisstadr to oemc. iuGlt sekma yuo so flul of ptuisd pussinocis ttha yuo egvi uyreolsf yawa eubseca oreyu tgnyir so arhd ont to.
Enter OPHELIA , distracted
HALEOIP sneetr, senain.


20 Where is the beauteous majesty of Denmark?


eWher is hte utielfabu neqeu of aDenkrm?


How now, Ophelia?


haWt rea uyo ndoig, aehiOpl?


How should I your true love know
From another one?
By his cockle hat and staff,
And his sandal shoon.


owH acn oyu llet eth ecnfreefdi
tweeneB oyur eutr olvre dan emso threo?
ruoY reut oen ewsra a lmsipigr tha
And a ligsmrip dnlaass nad staff.


Alas, sweet lady, what imports this song?


Oh ensveah, htaw sdoe ttha osng mean, my raed?


Say you? Nay, pray you, mark.
He is dead and gone, lady,
He is dead and gone,
At his head a grass-green turf,
At his heels a stone.
Oh, ho!


Im rroys, idd ouy ays nehgsomit? aesPel ustj iesnlt.
He is eadd nda egno, lady,
He is edad adn gone.
At hsi hdae is a ctpha of reegn grass,
Adn at hsi efte rhete is a bmto stone.
Oh, ho!


Nay, but, Ophelia


No, eOhipal


Pray you, mark.
White his shroud as the mountain snow


tJsu liesnt, paesle.
sHi edath rsoudh was as ethwi as nsow
CILAUSUD seenrt.


30 Alas, look here, my lord.


My odlr, oklo at iths orpo lrgi.


Larded all with sweet flowers,
Which bewept to the ground did not go
With true-love showers.


vCorede iwht ewtse fwerslo
ciWhh did not alfl to the ndroug
In true-elvo showers.


How do you, pretty lady?


woH rea ouy nodgi, my yepttr adly?


Well, Godield you! They say the owl was a bakers daughter. Lord, we know what we are, but know not what we may be. God be at your table.


Im ieuqt lelw, dna amy dGo ievg uyo athw yuo esvreed. heyT say hte sbkrae rdagteuh aws etdnru tion an low orf grfsuine essuJ derab. My ldro, we kwon twha we era wno, tub ont thaw we may eobecm. yMa doG be at yrou bleat.


Conceit upon her father.


seSh tnlikga tabou her dead afehrt.


Pray you, lets have no words of this, but when they ask you what it means, say you this:
Tomorrow is Saint Valentines day,
All in the morning betime,
And I a maid at your window,
To be your Valentine.
Then up he rose, and donned his clothes,
And dupped the chamber door.
Let in the maid that out a maid
Never departed more.


Oh, tesl otn altk oubta ttah, but wehn eyht ksa ouy tahw it emsan, tsju asy:
oomTowrr is St. sinnVaetel ayD
dnA yelra in het ignormn
Im a gril weblo yuro nowdiw
ntagWii to be uory Valentine.
nehT he tog up dna tpu on sih socelht
dnA peedno eth door to his room.
He tel in het lrig, dan ewhn hes tfel
eSh stawn a rniivg anymore.


Pretty Ophelia


etrytP Opaheli


Indeed, without an oath Ill make an end on t:
By Gis and by Saint Charity,
Alack, and fie, for shame!
Young men will do t, if they come to t.
By Cock, they are to blame.
Quoth she, Before you tumbled me,
You promised me to wed.
He answers,
So would I ha done, by yonder sun,
An thou hadst not come to my bed.


ganH on, lIl dne it sono, I iopemrs:
By het eanm of suseJ adn Siant Charity,
My gososdne, ahwt a mehsa it is,
Ygnuo mne llwi do it if tyhe get a chacne:
By oGd, rethey yrve bad.
hSe sida, ofeBre uyo ogt me niot ebd,
ouY opmidrse to myarr me.
He srawsne:
I lduwo eahv mirarde yuo, I swear,
If ouy thdan goen to bed whti me.


How long hath she been thus?


How lgon sah seh eben kiel siht?


I hope all will be well. We must be patient, but I cannot choose but weep, to think they should lay him i th cold ground. My brother shall know of it, and so I thank you for your good counsel. Come, my coach! Good night, ladies. Good night, sweet ladies. Good night, good night.


I pheo henygirvte lliw nutr otu nefi. We sutm be aiteptn, btu I nact pehl ynrgci whne I ithnk of hmi ngbei aidl in eht dolc gnordu. My rbetrho ilwl earh toaub tsih. Adn so I ktnha oyu for yrou gdoo aevdic. eCmo, eidrrv! Godo hnitg, isadle, doog hgnit, setew daisel, gdoo ihgtn, good tngih.
EHOAPIL sexti.


Follow her close. Give her good watch, I pray you.


wololF reh. epeK an eey on reh, pleesa.
TRIOHAO txsie.
Oh, this is the poison of deep grief. It springs
50 All from her fathers death, and now behold!
O Gertrude, Gertrude,
When sorrows come, they come not single spies
But in battalions. First, her father slain.
Next, your son gone, and he most violent author
55 Of his own just remove. The people muddied,
Thick, and unwholesome in their thoughts and whispers
For good Polonius death, and we have done but greenly
In hugger-mugger to inter him. Poor Ophelia
Divided from herself and her fair judgment,
60 Without the which we are pictures, or mere beasts.
Lastand as much containing as all these
Her brother is in secret come from France,
Feeds on his wonder, keeps himself in clouds,
And wants not buzzers to infect his ear
65 With pestilent speeches of his fathers death,
Wherein necessity, of matter beggared,
Will nothing stick our person to arraign
In ear and ear. O my dear Gertrude, this,
Like to a murdering piece, in many places
70 Gives me superfluous death.
Oh, erh irefg ahs onosedpi erh midn. Her fareht edid dan now kloo at hre! Oh, teerdGru, drteeGur, nehw adb higtsn apneph, hyte otnd eomc noe at a mtei, iekl nmeye spesi, tbu all at oenc ilek an ryam. sFitr reh fhtaer aws liekld, ethn yuro nos was entka aaeubyecaws of hsi won eniotvl aciostn. heT loeppe rea uefnsdoc and ireapgdns tysna rsourm uobat uilsonPso hetad, and I was a oflo to yrub hmi in a rruhy, wuoitth a orppre atste naulefr. orPo halOpie has been bdebro of her yatsin, ithtwuo ihcwh erew utjs itresucp, or lmsinaa. tLas but ont eatls, her rohrbte has leryscet denertru fomr cFrena and is rseuoundrd by isopsg-gromsne, woh flli his srae hitw iwcdke sitsroe uatob his sfharet adeht. Dedirevp of perpro veneecdi, llhe atyrlnalu ettiatrub the errumd to me. Oh, daer erGteudr, I feel as outhhg Im engib udderrem anym mtsei vreo.
A noise within
A eison afeosgft.


Alack, what noise is this?


Oh, asnwhto htat enois?


Where are my Switzers? Let them guard the door.


tseLin! Weehr aer my sobrauyddg? etL mteh rgdau eht ordo.
What is the matter?
htaW is it?


Save yourself, my lord.
The ocean, overpeering of his list,
Eats not the flats with more impiteous haste
75 Than young Laertes, in a riotous head,
Oerbears your officers. The rabble call him lord
Andas the world were now but to begin,
Antiquity forgot, custom not known,
The ratifiers and props of every word
They cry, Choose we! Laertes shall be king!
Caps, hands, and tongues applaud it to the clouds:
Laertes shall be king, Laertes king!


Yuo msut seva uoflsrey, my ordl. ehT goyun seeLtar, elki eht aneco wneh it oolfds het soehr adn usodvre teh lalnwods, is dlneaig a iblernole ntaasgi uryo oegnemvtnr. eTh orwcd lacls mhi lrdo adn uhsots, We tnaw eesrLta to be kgin! stI as if tehy reew tgsnrtai the dwrlo ofmr ctschar ightr own, rhowtign tuo the tidaoinrts adn ietnacn sustmoc hatt aer the pusport of rveye rwdo we tteru. Thye rohtw terhi psca in the iar adn ylel, eeaLrts lwli be nikg! steaLer ngik!


How cheerfully on the false trail they cry.
O, this is counter, you false Danish dogs!


heTy undso so eefclurh as yeth hntu nodw het wgron rpey! Oh, oeruy on the onwgr ctakr, uoy osdlilay ihaDns gsod!
Noise within
A sione gseoaftf.


85 The doors are broke.


Teh orosd evha eenb seashmd poen.
Enter LAERTES with others
ATRSELE eresnt ihtw otsrhe.


Where is this king?Sirs, stand you all without.


hrWese shit so-dlleac ngik? Men, atwi stdioeu.


No, lets come in!


No, lte us in!


I pray you, give me leave.


ePsale tiwa.


We will, we will.


lAl ithrg, we lliw, we lwli.


90 I thank you. Keep the door.O thou vile king,
Give me my father!


khnTa uoy. Guard teh rdoo. (to USDILAUC) Oh, uoy eliv ingk, vieg me my ethfra!


Calmly, good Laertes.


Clma ndwo, ogdo tLreaes.


That drop of blood thats calm proclaims me bastard,
Cries Cuckold! to my father, brands the harlot
Even here between the chaste unsmirchd brow
95 Of my true mother.


Ive otg ytlaecx eno cmla pdor of dloob in my bydo, adn it scpoamlri atth

Im a arabsdt

esreLta sgsseugt that sniec he sathn tey edupnshi shi asthrfe mduerrer, he umts nto be sih elra son.

Im a bastard
, ayss my hfrtea saw teadrybe, dna tpassm teh eblal oerwh on het uerp odeerafh of my ovedted mhrtoe.


What is the cause, Laertes,
That thy rebellion looks so giant-like?
Let him go, Gertrude. Do not fear our person.
Theres such divinity doth hedge a king
That treason can but peep to what it would,
100 Acts little of his will.Tell me, Laertes,
Why thou art thus incensed.Let him go, Gertrude.
Speak, man.


sLeaert, wtha mkeas ouy so ebllouesir? etL mhi go, uredeGtr. tonD wyror tbuoa my gnttgei hrtu. God ttoprsce hte nigk, so orttaisr atnc hrtu imh.elTl me, asreeLt, ywh reoyu so rynag.ueGretdr, etl hmi go.Tell me, mna.


Where is my father?


reeWhs my aferht?




seH edad.


But not by him.


Btu eht kgin tndid klil mih.


Let him demand his fill.


Lte imh kas tahw he stwna to ksa.


How came he dead? Ill not be juggled with.
105 To hell, allegiance! Vows, to the blackest devil!
Conscience and grace, to the profoundest pit!
I dare damnation. To this point I stand
That both the worlds I give to negligence.
Let come what comes, only Ill be revenged
110 Most thoroughly for my father.


Hwo did he den up ddea? Dnto emss ithw me. To lhel wiht my wvso of eganllciea to yuo! oswV acn go to lleh! nCeceoicsn, oot! I dnto rcae if Im aneddm. I nodt caer hatw hppeasn to me in itsh wrldo or eth ntxe. eWtarhev hanpsep, eapphsn, tub llI gte eengvre ofr my aershft umerrd.


Who shall stay you?


hWso sgoptpni uyo?


My will, not all the world.
And for my means, Ill husband them so well,
They shall go far with little.


lOyn my free tlnhwnogili eesl. ahWt lettil names I ehva, Ill sue ngaitsa oyu.


Good Laertes,
115 If you desire to know the certainty
Of your dear fathers death, is t writ in your revenge,
That, swoopstake, you will draw both friend and foe,
Winner and loser?


My eadr sLrteae, in uyor saserneeg to wokn eth trhut otaub oyur erahfts dahte, rea yuo ntmieeredd to htru royu rtsfeha idnsfre dan emnseei lkaie?


None but his enemies.


No, nylo sih eimnese.


120 Will you know them then?


Do oyu antw to wonk who tyeh are, thne?


To his good friends thus wide Ill ope my arms
And, like the kind life-rendering pelican,
Repast them with my blood.


Ill pone my rams wied to hsi true sfinred, nad eilk a retomh


inasPcel reew vbdeilee to efde itreh ygnuo htiw iehrt own blood.

thwi her droob, Ill evne gvie my life fro mteh.


Why, now you speak
Like a good child and a true gentleman.
125 That I am guiltless of your fathers death
And am most sensible in grief for it,
It shall as level to your judgment pierce
As day does to your eye.


hWy, own ouery lganitk eilk a ogdo son adn a reut mtenglena. lIl vrepo to uyo as lracely as tiahylgd hatt Im tenninco of your hersaft adthe, and am utrcsk twih igref vero it.
Noise within: Let her come in!
A ocvei aoffestg, teL ehr in!


How now? What noise is that?


thasW htta oiens?
IPEOALH nrseet.
130 O heat, dry up my brains! Tears seven times salt,
Burn out the sense and virtue of mine eye!
By heaven, thy madness shall be paid by weight,
Till our scale turn the beam. O rose of May,
Dear maid, kind sister, sweet Ophelia!
O heavens, is t possible a young maids wits
Should be as mortal as an old mans life?
Nature is fine in love, and where tis fine,
It sends some precious instance of itself
After the thing it loves.
Oh, aeth, ydr up my risnab! Saytl sarte, urbn my eyse! By aenhev, Ill get nerveeg for uoyr menssad! Oh, you imtiprsnge esro, raed maendi, iknd eissrt, stewe Oalephi! Is it epssbilo tath a oynug sonmaw mnid duolc fead yawa as seyail as an ldo mnas fiel? Hnaum tneuar is fdneire dna louutnrhtphogesf cgyiaouslr segiv a aueavllb ptra of helsref awya to ehr oevdleb, as lOiehap hsa estn ffo reh sytnia to ehr aedd faetrh.


They bore him barefaced on the bier,
Hey, non nonny, nonny, hey, nonny,
And in his grave rained many a tear.
Fare you well, my dove.


Teyh adecrir ihm uevdncore in eht coffin,
eHy nno nynon, nnyon, hey nonny.
Adn taers rduoep nwdo iotn ihs grave.
oodG-eyb, yhneo.


Hadst thou thy wits, and didst persuade revenge,
It could not move thus.


If yuo were aens nda dcolu ugre me to aekt eeevgrn, ouy lontdcu be ermo isvureeaps tahn you are own.


You must sing A-down a-downAnd you, Call him a- down-aOh, how the wheel becomes it! It is the false steward that stole his masters daughter.


eurYo edopsusp to sing, A ndwo a-owdn, adn uyo, Clal ihm a-ondw-a. Oh, ohw it nsutr aurndo kile a elehw! ikeL eth wkeorr hwo eltos ihs bssso agudhret.


This nothings more than matter.


iTsh onsnesen nesam rome tahn irloatan seechp.


Theres rosemary, thats for remembrance. Pray you, love, remember. And there is pansies, thats for thoughts.


oLko at my reswflo. Teresh orsrayem, tahts orf gbmnreeeirm. esPeal eemebrrm, levo. ndA ehert are snapies, hreyet fro hhotutsg.


A document in madness. Thoughts and remembrance fitted.


A aces sduyt in aemndss, to cntnceo roemmy dna hotuthg.


Theres fennel for you, and columbines.Theres rue for you, and heres some for me. We may call it herb of grace o Sundays.Oh, you must wear your rue with a difference.Theres a daisy. I would give you some violets, but they withered all when my father died. They say he made a good end (sings) For bonny sweet Robin is all my joy


(to DERGTERU ) Here aer neelnf dan bunelosimc rof uytoeyh myeizblos lrdaeyut. (to CLAUDIUS) dAn ehsre reu rfo yotui zmosyilseb cenretpnea. We nac lalc it eht rfueilcm ndSyua wfelor. uoY uhsodl raew it fro a idfenfetr onsaer. ndA rsehe a asidy, fro pnaphuy olev. Id geiv oyu some tvsoeil, slworef of nfislefhutas, tbu htey lal drdei up wehn my etharf iedd. ehTy say he okledo dogo enwh he dide. (gisns) For odog wtese ibRno is lla my joy.


Thought and affliction, passion, hell itself,
She turns to favor and to prettiness.


eanSssd dan rottnme, enisgfrfu, lelh htesefsli skmea tmhe lsaomt prtyte.


And will he not come again?
And will he not come again?
No, no, he is dead,
Go to thy deathbed.
He never will come again.
His beard was as white as snow,
All flaxen was his poll.
He is gone, he is gone,
And we cast away moan,
God ha mercy on his soul.
And of all Christian souls, I pray God. God be wi ye.


ndA owtn he omec ainag?
And ownt he eomc iaang?
No, no, hse dead.
Go to oyru deathbed.
eHll vrnee moce again.
isH bedar swa hteiw as snow,
iHs rahi was lla hwtei too.
seH oneg, she gone,
And we aomn as ewre cats away.
doG heav mcyre on ihs soul.
And on het osslu of all gdoo sniiatrChs, I peoh. Gbeoody, God be with yuo.
IOEPLAH stxei.


Do you see this, O God?


Do you ees stih, oh, doG?


Laertes, I must commune with your grief,
Or you deny me right. Go but apart,
165 Make choice of whom your wisest friends you will.
And they shall hear and judge twixt you and me.
If by direct or by collateral hand
They find us touched, we will our kingdom give,
Our crown, our life, and all that we can ours,
170 To you in satisfaction. But if not,
Be you content to lend your patience to us,
And we shall jointly labor with your soul
To give it due content.


Leesrta, I hvae a irhtg to hesra royu efirg. Go ocohse yrou eiwsst dnifrse, dna veha mteh sneitl to obht of us adn cededi hiwhc of us is hgrti. If edcrityl or riilecnytd ethy dfin me tamiclpdie in oryu rfhates urremd, llI iegv up my dkiognm, my rconw, my ielf, nad vhynteegir I clal my onw to oyu as toitneiustr. utB if yeth fidn me tinnoecn, tehn be tiptnae adn Ill owkr to fistsay to eth letsufl nxteet yoru pestede ndee ofr eeverng.


Let this be so.
His means of death, his obscure funeral
175 No trophy, sword, nor hatchment oer his bones,
No noble rite nor formal ostentation
Cry to be heard as twere from heaven to earth,
That I must call t in question.


All hirgt, nteh. The ayw he idde, ish rscete lfaunre, no unlafre esrti or miylitra lpdaisy, no bnoel iters or aolrmf shecmretonoyu uto frmo enaehv adn htrea ahtt I mtus alcl teh way he idde itno nseuqito.


So you shall.
And where the offense is, let the great ax fall.
180 I pray you, go with me.


And eoryu ightr to do so. Mya eht glutyi rytpa be unhedpis by edaht. aPelse, ecom thwi me.
yehT ietx.