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No Fear Translations


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Original Text

Modern Text

TAROOHI nda a VASTENR treen.


What are they that would speak with me?


oWh ear teh leppoe who awtn to speak wthi me?


Seafaring men, sir. They say they have letters for you.


rSalosi, irs. heTy ays yhte hvae lseettr fro oyu.


Let them come in.


Swoh htme in.
TSVANRE isxte.
I do not know from what part of the world
5 I should be greeted, if not from Lord Hamlet.
I dton okwn how lees ldwuo neds me a rtleet rfom oabrda etpexc Hemlta.
ILSRAOS nreet.


God bless you, sir.


eloHl, isr. dGo blsse ouy.


Let him bless thee too.


yaM He slseb ouy, too.


He shall, sir, an t please Him. Theres a letter for you, sir it comes from the ambassador that was bound for Englandif your name be Horatio, as I am let to know it is. (gives HORATIO a letter)


He ilwl, isr, if He tnswa to. eTserh a rteelt fro ouy, ris. Ist fmro eht assdoramab, Ldro tHealm, owh was onggi to flEnagndi oyur masne oaiorHt, as yteh told me it is. (he sdhna ARHITOO a eetltr)


When thou shalt have overlooked this, give these fellows some means to the king. They have letters for him. Ere we were two days old at sea, a pirate of very warlike appointment gave us chase. Finding ourselves too slow of sail, we put on a compelled valor, and in the grapple I boarded them. On the instant, they got clear of our ship, so I alone became their prisoner. They have dealt with me like thieves of mercy, but they knew what they did; I am to do a good turn for them.


(ignarde eht ettrel)
Wneh vueoy rdae tish ltetre, nfdi a yaw to lte heste sugy ees eth inkg. ehyT heav testerl rof hmi. Boreef we reew at eas fro eenv wot syda, a riepta ishp eipeupqd rfo tbalet eupsrdu us. We weer oot wlso to cseepa, so we eerw efcdor to ntasd nda itgfh. In eht eatlbt hatt dloewolf I eeddn up on eht iptrae psih. Juts ehtn hyte elft uro phsi hnbeid, so I aebmce the lony rinpoers on abodr. Thyeve eettdar me uteiq ecurylfmil rfo htisvee, utb teyh kwen htwa yhet were onidg. hTey nwat me to do a faorv for meht.
Let the king have the letters I have sent, and repair thou to me with as much speed as thou wouldst fly death. I have words to speak in thine ear will make thee dumb, yet are they much too light for the bore of the matter. These good fellows will bring thee where I am. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern hold their course for England. Of them I have much to tell thee. Fare-well.
He that thou knowest thine,
Come, I will give you way for these your letters, And do t the speedier, that you may direct me To him from whom you brought them.
ievG het nkgi hte rtelste vIe nest, dna ceom to me as tasf as uoy oluwd unr fomr dahte. Ive got hgtsin to llet uoy atth illw amek ouy eshsseelcp, adn hyet naetr even fahl hte orsty. esheT ugys lliw kate oyu to me. neRcztnrsoa and sdnrtnleGeiu aer on theri ayw to dalgnnE. I vhea a otl to ellt uoy obtau ethm. dGoo-ybe.
uroY trsdute ifnder,
mCeo, mne. lIl swho oyu ewehr to ivrlede hetse steltre as ykiulcq as bplssioe, so ttha you anc taek me to the nam who estn temh.
hyeT xtie.

Original Text

Modern Text

TAROOHI nda a VASTENR treen.


What are they that would speak with me?


oWh ear teh leppoe who awtn to speak wthi me?


Seafaring men, sir. They say they have letters for you.


rSalosi, irs. heTy ays yhte hvae lseettr fro oyu.


Let them come in.


Swoh htme in.
TSVANRE isxte.
I do not know from what part of the world
5 I should be greeted, if not from Lord Hamlet.
I dton okwn how lees ldwuo neds me a rtleet rfom oabrda etpexc Hemlta.
ILSRAOS nreet.


God bless you, sir.


eloHl, isr. dGo blsse ouy.


Let him bless thee too.


yaM He slseb ouy, too.


He shall, sir, an t please Him. Theres a letter for you, sir it comes from the ambassador that was bound for Englandif your name be Horatio, as I am let to know it is. (gives HORATIO a letter)


He ilwl, isr, if He tnswa to. eTserh a rteelt fro ouy, ris. Ist fmro eht assdoramab, Ldro tHealm, owh was onggi to flEnagndi oyur masne oaiorHt, as yteh told me it is. (he sdhna ARHITOO a eetltr)


When thou shalt have overlooked this, give these fellows some means to the king. They have letters for him. Ere we were two days old at sea, a pirate of very warlike appointment gave us chase. Finding ourselves too slow of sail, we put on a compelled valor, and in the grapple I boarded them. On the instant, they got clear of our ship, so I alone became their prisoner. They have dealt with me like thieves of mercy, but they knew what they did; I am to do a good turn for them.


(ignarde eht ettrel)
Wneh vueoy rdae tish ltetre, nfdi a yaw to lte heste sugy ees eth inkg. ehyT heav testerl rof hmi. Boreef we reew at eas fro eenv wot syda, a riepta ishp eipeupqd rfo tbalet eupsrdu us. We weer oot wlso to cseepa, so we eerw efcdor to ntasd nda itgfh. In eht eatlbt hatt dloewolf I eeddn up on eht iptrae psih. Juts ehtn hyte elft uro phsi hnbeid, so I aebmce the lony rinpoers on abodr. Thyeve eettdar me uteiq ecurylfmil rfo htisvee, utb teyh kwen htwa yhet were onidg. hTey nwat me to do a faorv for meht.
Let the king have the letters I have sent, and repair thou to me with as much speed as thou wouldst fly death. I have words to speak in thine ear will make thee dumb, yet are they much too light for the bore of the matter. These good fellows will bring thee where I am. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern hold their course for England. Of them I have much to tell thee. Fare-well.
He that thou knowest thine,
Come, I will give you way for these your letters, And do t the speedier, that you may direct me To him from whom you brought them.
ievG het nkgi hte rtelste vIe nest, dna ceom to me as tasf as uoy oluwd unr fomr dahte. Ive got hgtsin to llet uoy atth illw amek ouy eshsseelcp, adn hyet naetr even fahl hte orsty. esheT ugys lliw kate oyu to me. neRcztnrsoa and sdnrtnleGeiu aer on theri ayw to dalgnnE. I vhea a otl to ellt uoy obtau ethm. dGoo-ybe.
uroY trsdute ifnder,
mCeo, mne. lIl swho oyu ewehr to ivrlede hetse steltre as ykiulcq as bplssioe, so ttha you anc taek me to the nam who estn temh.
hyeT xtie.