Angels in America is a two-part play by Tony Kushner that was first performed in 1995. The first part, Angels in America, Part One: Millennium Approaches, was first performed in 1991, while the second part, Angels in America: Part Two: Perestroika, was first performed in 1992.


See a complete list of the characters in Angels in America and in-depth analyses of Louis Ironson, Prior Walter, and Roy Cohn.

Literary Devices

Here's where you'll find analysis of the major themes, motifs, and symbols in Angels in America.


Find quotes you need to support your essay or refresh your memory of Angels in America here.

Quick Quizzes

Test your knowledge of Angels in America with these quiz questions.


Here you will find three brief essays on the play: its depiction of gay characters, a discussion of law versus justice, and the question of whether the character of Belize is a virtuous stereotype or a complex moral authority; as well as suggested essay questions for Angels in America.

Further Study

Expand your study with a background esssay on Tony Kushner and the play and a list of outside readings about Angels in America.