A Long Walk to Water, the 2010 New York Times bestseller by Linda Sue Park, is a work of historical fiction based on the true story of Salva Dut, a “Lost Boy” from Sudan. Salva’s story begins in 1985 when he is caught up in the violence of the Sudanese Civil War and must overcome impossible odds to survive. Using a parallel narrative structure, Park weaves Salva’s story with that of Nya, a fictional eleven-year-old Sudanese girl, who, in 2008, walks long distances every day to fetch water for her family. Their stories converge in 2009 with a moving message of hope.


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Literary Devices

Here's where you'll find analysis of the main themes, motifs, and symbols in A Long Walk to Water.


Here's where you'll find important quotes from A Long Walk to Water and explanations of them.


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